Quit Avoiding Him.

Start from the beginning

Drowning myself in tears, I sink into my bed. It was within a few minutes that I heard a cough and I look to see Mirio's face in the wall. Like his face was legit the wall, I can only see his face. I threw whatever stuffed animal I had on my bed at the face.

"Cover your eyes, I know I have clothes in here somewhere."

He states, and I do cover my eyes. I heard him walk through and open my closet. I then feel him sitting on my bed.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to come through my house like that?"

"I got your dad's permission."

I scoff and roll my eyes. I pull my blanket over my head. I was questioning when this permission occurred. I was just out there with Papa.

"I'm just tired.."

I could hear him roll his eyes, he just hugs me. He then gets under the sheets with me and pulls me close to him. He cuddles with me, something we haven't done in a while because I haven't felt this down in a long time.

"Whatever you're feeling, I know you haven't been alright. You don't ignore any of us for days on end. Hell. Sunshine you don't ignore Tamaki and I in person either. I want you to know that I'm here for you, and I always will be. You're like my baby sister and I can't stand to see you upset."

He rubs my back to comfort me. I nod my head. We just sat there in silence. He soon got up and pulled me out of bed as well. He went through my closet and threw a hoodie and some joggers at me. He demanded me to get dressed before he would put the clothes on for me. I roll my eyes and put on said clothes and he takes my arm and drags me out of the house, waving towards Papa and Uncle Hizashi.

He grabs my keys off of the key holder and leaves with me. He was dragging me by my arm. I was following behind him loosely. I felt weak because I haven't gotten out of bed much.

He finally stopped when I noticed where we were. It was a lake that had grass surrounding it. On the other side led a forest that me, Mirio, and Amajiki would explore when we were younger, to our left, was the city, and the reflection of the lights shined brighter as the sun began to set on Musutafu. The wind was blowing softly as Mirio stands proud,

"I've noticed too ya know. I'm your best friend after all. You both need to work this out. We didn't spend the last 8 years together for nothing."

Mirio says softly as we looked up at the stars in the night sky. I just sighed, knowing who he was talking about.

"I should've just.. stopped. Amajiki, would never like someone like me. I'm too preppy and confident for him."

Mirio punches my shoulder roughly. I gasp in pain at him. I rub my shoulder softly and punch him back equally as hard.

"That's exactly why you two are prefect for each other!"

I roll my eyes,

"He's been avoiding me just as much as I have, Mirio! Open your eyes! He doesn't care about me anymore, I don't think he even did to begin with, Akane is so much better for him then I will ever be! That's just the truth. Okay? I need to avoid him because of all the signs."

As I yell at Mirio I could hear footsteps getting closer to us. I then heard a female gasp from behind, I recognized the voice. I turned to see Nejire with Amajiki. I then glare at Mirio. I shoved them out of my way and began walking the direction that I had came from.

"Oh no you don't!"

Mirio exclaims. He throws me over his shoulder. I started hitting his back super hard. I even threatened to use my quirk against him. He was just laughing the whole time like it wasn't a big deal.

"I'm not putting you down until you quit avoiding him, Y/N."

I groan out a complain and the next thing I know I'm thrown into the lake water. I had no idea what Mirio was planning, but I felt another body presence right next to me as we were both thrown in. I grab the arm of the person and swim up.


I exclaim taking a breath, I attempted to give a glare at Mirio and Nejire, but they were no where to be found. These mother fuckers really tried to murder us? What the actual hell? Or was this a plan to get me and Amajiki to talk knowing that one of our instincts would kick and would want to rescue each other. Doesn't help that if I'm in water my body naturally starts pumping oxygen into my lungs.

He looks at me pleadingly, and I begin to swim away, when he suddenly used his quirk to pull me close to him with his tentacle arms. He pulls me into a long, deep hug, he was even crying softly into my shoulder as we kicked our feet to stay afloat in the water.

"Please, don't avoid me anymore.. I.. I'm.. I'm sorry I let you believe that Akane was better than you.. I didn't want to avoid you.. her.. her quirk made me.."

He says, his voice cracking throughout all of his sentences. I sigh into his arms as I use my quirk to get us on land. It was a bit chilly out and Mirio and Nejire were still no where to be seen.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you for three weeks.. I should've been, I'm so sorry Y/N.. please."

I bite my inner lip and nod my head, I take a long sigh. I confessed the feelings that have made me turn the other way from him.

"I thought you didn't want to be around me anymore, and Akane made it worse by telling me so, constantly, over and over for the past month.."

I shivered a bit and he pulls me close to try and keep me warm. I could see him about to cry and I couldn't stand seeing it. He was such a precious thing and I could tell that something was off. We both agreed to head back to my place and I asked him to stay the night because there was a lot we needed to discuss.

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