11 0 0

Mark drove for hours. He didn't really know where he was going, but he was going somewhere, at least. Listening to the same Ed Sheeran album repeatedly since it was the only CD in the car. Every once in a while, the music would stop and Amy's phone number would pop up. Every time he just let it ring, but he finally answered. 

"What," He sighed as he answered. 

"I'm sorry, Mark... I'm so sorry. I-I'm not myself.. I guess you knew that." 

"You fucking pushed me." 

"I know that.. and Mark, please.. please just come home. I'll go to therapy, I'll go onto whatever medication they prescribe. I just.. I can't do it without you. I can't become myself again without you. Mark, I need you. I fucking need you." Mark sighed a bit, pulling over. 

"If I come home and that room isn't boarded up, I'm leaving again." He sighed. 

"I'll go to the hardware store, then." 

"Great." Mark hangs up, turning his blinker on and making a U-Turn. Six more hours until he gets home. 

Amy's head turns to the front door when Mark walks in, his hair wet from just the walk from the car to the door. She sighed a bit, looking away. 

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, looking at the floor. Mark stood there, sighing a bit as he looks around. 

"I don't understand you, Amy," Mark looked back at her, "I mean- if I knew that this is how you'd react to all the miscarriages and loses, I wouldn't have done this. I wouldn't have done any of this. We could have just, I don't know, gotten another dog or-or fucking adopt for all I care. But all of this has changed the woman I loved into someone I don't know. I feel like I don't know my own wife." 

"I don't even know myself," Amy replied softly, "I look in the mirror and hate what stares back at me. I don't feel like myself and in all honesty, it really fucking sucks. It really sucks." 

"You need help... You need to go to a therapist and you need to sort this shit out. I'll stick with you, I'll hold you, I'll be there for you but if you don't get help, I'm contacting my lawyer." 

"What if therapy doesn't work for me?" Amy asked, looking up at Mark, "You'll leave?"

"If you actively tried to go to therapy and it didn't work for you, it's different. If you don't try at all, I'll leave." Amy nodded a bit. "You just... Gotta try." 


"So, Amy," Dr. Ashley smiled, sitting down across from Amy, "How has been the past few weeks at home?"

"It's been alright, I guess," She sighed, "Mark hasn't really been talking to me, he just kinda does his own thing. I guess it's for the best, we aren't fighting or bickering." Dr. Ashley nodded, 

"When does he talk to you?" 

"At dinner, mostly. But it's mainly small talk. We don't have much to talk about right now." Amy responded. 

"What about at night? Any talking?" Dr. Ashley asked softly as she wrote everything down.

"No.. I'm usually asleep by the time Mark comes to bed."

"So there isn't much talking at all. How does it make you feel?" 

"Not very good," Amy responded, "I mean, I just want to talk to my husband without it being small talk. I love him but.. I know I hurt him."

"You have to gain his trust back."

"Yeah, but how?" 


"Hey, Mark?" Amy sighed as she knocked on Mark's office door, opening it slightly. Mark turned around in his chair and looked at her. 

"What's up." He said softly, taking his headphones off. Amy sighed again, walking in. 

"Do you.. do you want a divorce?" She looked down at her feet, "I mean.. we don't talk. You haven't hugged me or-or said 'I love you' or even kissed me in weeks. It's been weeks. I don't know how anything is going to fix itself when you haven't been trying."

"I've been just trying to give you some space," Mark replied. 

"I don't want space right now... I just want to be held and cuddled." Mark nodded a bit. He smiled a bit, opening his arms up. 

"C'mere, then." Amy smiled a bit, walking over and sitting on his lap. Mark wrapped his arms around her, holding Amy close. "I love you." 

"I love you, too." 

Sorry this one was shorter, I couldn't think of other things for them to fight over lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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