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Memories are flashing thru her mind

They were at an ice cream parlor and an explosion went off just feet from where they were sitting.  She had been thrown from the seat, looked up in time to see her Momma take her last breath.  Her Daddy kissed his wife goodbye and looked for his little girl to see if she was ok.

She wasn't there.  HE had already found her.

She was only 5 and a tiny little thing.  Her head was badly hurt, they told her that she was taken so they could fix her, to save her.

A young boy had bumped into her earlier on the path near the playground.  He didn't say anything, just bent down to look into her tearful, hurt eyes.  Deep ocean blues looked deep into her baby blue eyes.  She is sobbing as he helps her up and wipes the tears away.  As he walks away, two men jump up to intercept him.  He looks back at her and smiles, earning a smile back and a wave, too young to see the men who followed his gaze.

Later that day, she feels wrong, like someone is moving inside her head.  During that afternoon, glimpses were caught of the boy.  When he smiles at her, she feels fuzzy.

She doesn't understand why she feels so icky, but Daddy says that ice cream can fix anything.  Ice cream!  YAY!  She looks up to see the boy but he isn't looking at her, he's not smiling at all and is looking elsewhere.  About to point him out to Daddy but a huge bang goes off.  Searing heat is everywhere and she falls off the bench.  Wait, she felt pulled back but no one is there.  The pain makes her cry out and his worried eyes appear.  Locking eyes with his ocean blues, the pain finally claims her.

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