unwanted attention

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She feels like she is underwater, struggling to surface and to breathe.  She had been snatched from the arms of that nice man and the boy, they had been in a fight with other people.  Her wrists hurt and when she looks down, they are purple and bruised.  There is a band aid on her arm and that spot hurts a lot.  The man is watching her with a sneer on his lips but looks cautious at the same time.  She starts to cry but is silenced when a heavy hand smacks the back of her head.  His smile promises more pain.

"She knows who is in charge now, look at her!  She stops crying with just a smile from me.  How could this sad, tiny little thing be my undoing?"  Rough hands pull her up, cupping under her chin to force her to make eye contact with him.  His eyes widen slightly at the swirls he sees.  He's right, she knows who is in charge.  She doesn't want any more pain.

He studies her eyes a little further, finally seeming satisfied with what he sees.  As silent tears run down her cheeks, she is crying deep inside, crying for help.  She looks away from him when she  feels a small soft healing touch inside.  As her tears stop, she feels like she isn't alone.  She wonders why he hates her so much, what did she do wrong?  Why won't this icky feeling go away?

He speaks once more "Are you worried my sweet little one?  He needs to come here, he needs to see his life destroyed.  He will see me destroy you".  The fear rushes back into her, she can't look away from his eyes, feeling trapped.  That soft feeling comes back once again, reminding her that there is safety coming.  As if this man can feel it, he sneers once again.  Pushing her head away, he leaves the room.  Her body feels heavy and her head is all foggy, she can't seem to pull herself up to look around.  There aren't any thoughts of running away.  She just sits there, on the dirty floor, alone.

A few blocks away, a man feels like crying.  He looks towards a young boy who seems to be straining, listening to something far away.  This man knows they have her and they mean to kill her but he waits for the boy to come back to himself and look at him.  "You know what they mean to do, right?  They plan on killing her, this innocent and pure child.  This will ruin everything and will destroy you."  The young boy looks at his friend, purposeful in his hope that they will get her out of there.  She will be safe again, he has to make sure she is kept safe.

As she sits there, unaware of the plans they are making to get her out, a voice comes out of the darkness.  She can't see who is speaking but thinks it's that mean man who hurts her head.  "You are so much more than you appear in that young form.  You have the power that can destroy me, you and that boy.  I can't let that happen, I wish I could train you but we both know how that would end."  Silence once again fills the room.  She falls into a fitful sleep.

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