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Moving, she is moving.  Trying to touch her head to see if her hair is still there, she finds she can't move.  But how is she moving?  There is a blanket wrapped all around and she's cuddled up next to someone.   She realizes that he's moving like Daddy does when he carries her.  She can't do more than mumble a little and when she tries to open her eyes, only one will listen to her and that one is heavy lidded.  An attempt to wriggle out of the blanket makes the moving stop.

She suddenly gets scared.  Why did the moving stop?  The top of the blanket opens a little and a man's face is smiling down at her.  "Seems your young one needs to be awake" he says to someone that she can't see.  A boy's voice comes back "give her half a dose, she'll go back to sleep soon enough".   Mumbling and wriggling around, she doesn't understand what he means but when hands reach in, she tries to wriggle away from them.  A little bit of liquid is forced down her throat and there is a warmth that draws her in again.

The sling she is in becomes comforting, and the cocoon she is wrapped up in feels warm and safe.  The man's stride and the sound of his heartbeat lulls her back to sleep.  She dreams of a boy's gentle smile and deep blue ocean eyes.

The feeling like someone is inside her head, watching makes her jolt awake.  The need to be free becomes overwhelming and she starts to struggle more.  A tiny arm gets loose and pushes against the body that is cradling her close.  The man shifts a little and a sharp jolt of pain courses thru her arm.  She can't help but gasp in pain.  The movement stops immediately.  His clear voice comes again "Why did she cry out?"  The man who peeked in before looks down at her.  "She really fights this, doesn't she?  This little one is strong.  Ah child, you're fine.  Let's take a look, shall we?"

She is drawn out of the sling and unwrapped from the blankets while held gently by him.  There is a quick movement, she sees the needle right before she gets jabbed.  She hates needles, they hurt so much.  The man speaks to her again "Bah, you're fine... no, no, don't try to touch your head.  Your arm is bound up Little One, it's broken for now."  As her fingers are gently removed from her head, they feel sticky.  Why are they sticky?  The man takes her hand and quickly wipes her fingers.  She doesn't get to see what made them sticky. 

He gently moves her arm back down rewraps the blankets around her so they're nice and snug.  She is put back into the sling and the heartbeat is soothing.  She feels warm and the feeling of safety helps her to fade back into sleep.

The movement starts again, the gentle swaying of the sling starts again.  Even in the darkness of her sleep, she can hear his young clear voice calling out instructions and his men answering back.  They speak amongst themselves as they move on.  Always low voices, always in short conversations, but the boy's voice seems to stand out.  His voice, his eyes, his comforting presence.

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