twenty one.

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Whilst delighted to see her best friend again, Cara cursed the impeding return of the students after the Christmas holidays. It would limit the time and openness she would have with Remus, and it also meant exams were upon them.

As brilliant as a teacher Remus was, he was an awful private tutor. Every extra learning session spent with her started out with good intentions, but soon ended with her naked in his bed. Thankfully however, he had finally managed to fulfil his dream of her on his desk.

Just like all the other sessions had finished, Remus was sat by his bedroom window in underwear and a hastily half fastened shirt, cigarette hanging out into the outside as he watched Cara redress herself. He chuckled as she struggled to reclasp her bra in the stressed panic she had entered, realising the train was due into the station any time now.

"You don't have to go, just say I was tutoring you." He told her, taking another drag of smoke.

"I have to! I've missed Stassie." She sauntered over to him, snatching the cigarette from his fingers and smoking it herself. "Plus, she's a better tutor than you are."

"Fuck off." He scoffed teasingly. "I bet she can't do half of the things I can."

"You'd be surprised, you should see her with half a bottle of firewhiskey inside her."

Remus almost physically shook the idea out of his head, knowing she was just talking to wind him up. One student affair was bad enough, two would have him renting Sirius's old cell in Azkaban.

"Right." Cara handed him his cigarette back and tousled the remains of his hair pulling from her scalp. "I'll love you and leave you."

A few chaste kisses and whines from the pair of them later, and Cara was skipping up to the Gryffindor tower. As much as she adored Harry, Ron and Hermione, there was only so much she could discuss with a group of barely teenagers. She had missed having her best friend to waffle with for hours. She had also decided it was about time she revealed to her friend her dirty secret.

She trotted up the moving staircases, and was swiftly granted access by the Fat Lady. The common room was buzzing with schoolchildren, all overjoyed to see each other once more. Cara felt a large hand land on her shoulders, with the warm scent of wooly jumpers swamping her.

"There she is!" Oliver Wood bellowed in her ear, engulfing her in a hug.

It wasn't long before a squealing Anastasia was squeezing the pair of them, making a rather painful yet loving sandwich.

"Bollocks I missed you! How have you been?" Stassie pushed Oliver aside for a moment to properly welcome her friend. "And bloody hell, who have you been fighting?"

Stassie's thumb and forefinger were placed in the exact position Remus's had been just half an hour earlier. There were two prominent red marks on her neck, which Remus and Cara were unaware had been made during their last study session.

"Hang on that's not a fight, that's — oh!" Anastasia's jaw was practically on the floor.

"Shh!" Cara swatted her arm as her gasp caught the attention of some fourth years.

Latching on to her arm and quickly apologising to Oliver for the sudden disappearance, Cara pulled Stassie up the steps into their dorm, which thankfully was empty. She applied the silencing and locking spell on the door, before pushing Stassie on to her bed and sighing.

"We need to talk about something."

"Who were they?" Stassie shrugged. "Was it the sixth year from last time? Was he fit? Is she a good kisser?"

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