forty three.

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Despite the bright decorations spread across the sprawling home and the scent of a roast dinner clinging to the fabrics, festive was the last emotion anyone was feeling. Arthur Weasley had almost died in a vicious attack, which surprisingly wasn't even the worst part. That accolade had been rewarded to the fact Harry had bizarrely foreseen the attack whilst it was taking place, despite being nowhere near Arthur.

It was Christmas Eve in headquarters, and the older members of the order were doing their best to keep up the spirits of the kids. It was clear that the Weasleys were worried about the father, but were trying to mask it with feigned festive optimism. Fred and George were getting a smile out of Ginny as they explained a new prank, whilst Ron and Bill had teamed up against Cara and Harry in a game of wizard chess as Hermione refereed.

"I still don't get this game." Cara sighed as Ron shifted another piece in the winning direction.

"Even with three people on your team, we're still winning!" Ron jeered as Hermione's eyes rolled.

"The baby's seventeen weeks along Ron, they've only just developed ears never mind understanding the rules of chess."

Hermione had certainly done her homework when it came to the baby. From the moment she first worked it out — of course she was one step ahead of everyone else — she had prepared multiple sheets of notes about development. She had even taken the time to research how possible lycanthropy could affect the child, and added a footnote to each sheet. Harry was thrilled at the prospect and couldn't wait to meet the baby, whilst Ron seemed a little nervous at the idea of being around a small child all the time, by his own confession he was afraid he would drop them.

"How is Pomona today?" Harry enquired, using Sirius's nickname for the baby as he fought back on the chess board.

"No offence meant to Sprout, but that is the worst possible nickname for my kid and I hate my dad for ever mentioning it." She sighed. "Thank god it only lasts for a week."

Sirius was so proud of his weekly nicknaming of his grandchild. Each week, he would check Hermione's notes to see how big the baby was, and would subsequently come up with a nickname based around that object. This week, being the size of a pomegranate, he had devised the name Pomona for the poor child. Others had included Lulu when lemon sized, Kiki when kiwi sized and Avery when avocado sized. Remus had deduced that Sirius strongly believed they were having a girl.

"But what will next week be?" Bill reminded her, moving another piece around. "He's been bothering me all day to try and make a nickname out of cucumber."

"Bloody hell." Ron and Cara seemed to have the same idea as they spoke unanimously.

After a few more moves, Bill and Ron had managed to checkmate Cara and Harry with ease. As the game finished, Molly called them into the kitchen for a Christmas Eve dinner she had spent most of the afternoon preparing. As the order was to split off to their respective families for Christmas day, she wanted to make sure everyone had a good meal in them before they left.

"When do you find out what you're having?" Bill piped up from the back of the group of children he was herding into the kitchen.

"In a few weeks, but we haven't decided if we want to know yet."

"Please be a girl, we're dangerously outnumbered here." Hermione sighed, glancing between the Weasley brothers at the table and her two friends beside her.

The table was packed with people, and Molly had made a banquet for them all. It only seemed to be Mad-Eye, Kingsley and Arthur missing, meaning it was a tight squeeze for most involved. Placing herself between Ron and Remus, Cara pecked her boyfriend's cheek as he welcomed her.

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