Chapter Thirteen

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Cindy's POV

"Brrrrrr Vrrrrrooooooooom! Vroooooom!"

"Dad, I'm trying to read. What on Earth are you doing?"

He jumped to a stop abruptly. "I'm not dad. Clearly, I am an aeroplane."

"Well, can you be an aeroplane a little quieter?"

"No, I most definitely cannot. You can either board a plane or leave the airport." He raised his eyebrows at me and bent down a bit as if inviting me to jump on his back.

"I'm too old for playing pretend." I moved the book up in front of my face so he couldn't see me smirk.

"Well, the next stop is the states, but feel free to miss out if you'd like."

I sighed and plopped the book on the seat, marching over and climbing onto his back.

"Alright, ready for takeoff?"

"Yes, cap'n," I saluted even though he couldn't see me.

He readied his stance. "Three... two... one... OFF WE GO!" I squealed as he sprinted off into the field of our backyard. "VRRRRRR UH OH!"

"UH OH?"




I gripped his shoulders tightly and once he was sure my grasp was firm he began spinning rapidly in circles.


"QUICK!" He yelled running to the outdoor couch. "JUMP! SAVE YOURSELF!" He reached back and grabbed my thighs, launching me from his back and onto the cushion. "Whrrrr whrrrr." He slowly collapsed onto the grass and stuck his tongue out.

"What are you two doing?" My mum stood in the doorway with her messy pie-covered apron tied around her waist.

"A fatal crash on the way to the states, mum. It was a tragedy!"

She shook her head at our goofiness. "Well, Mr. Plane better put some different clothes on because Ginny, Harry and the kids are gonna be here any minute now."

"I'm on it, ma'am!" Dad jumped up and ran off into the house.

I flopped back and stared at the sky, enjoying the last few moments of silence before- "BOOM CRASH WATCH OUT, SIRIUS! THE MONSTER TRUCK IS ABOUT TO HIT YOU! AHHHH FATALITY!"

"Bilius! We have to calm down when we enter somebody else's house!"

"Oh don't worry about it, Harry. It's their special day!"

"Hello, Lucinda." The droopy-eyed brunette girl sat down next to me.

"Hello, Nymphadora. Still surviving?"

"Barely. Mum takes me to the park every weekend to get some peace and quiet for a few hours. But in a month, I'll finally be back at Hogwarts."

"Don't expect much peace and quiet there either."

Nymph sighed and laid her head back.

"NYMPHADORRRRRAAAAAA!!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Young Bilius leapt onto her lap and jumped up and down.

"I'm awake, Billy!"

"Hey, Cindy! Did you know Sisi and I are turning six today?!"

"I did know that. You and Sirius are big boys now, huh?"

"Yup," He stuck his head up proudly.

Harry walked out, holding baby Lily, with eyes that matched Nymph's.

"Need a break?"I held out my arms to him.

"I would love one." He placed the infant in my arms and plopped down next to his other daughter.

"Maybe you didn't need to have another kid," I whispered to him jokingly.

"Trust me, we didn't mean to," he whispered back.

"Don't get too comfy out there! Dinner's nearly ready!" My mom yelled out the door.

There was a knock.

"Who's here?" Ginny turned around just after stepping outside.

"Must be Bill and Fleur! I thought they were gonna be late!"

Ginny let them in and more people spilled into the backyard.

"Ah you boys are so big!" Bill ruffled Sirius' hair, who promptly patted it back down.

"I know! I'm taller than Billy now!"

Fleur sat on the grass next to their older daughter, Victoire, and Dominique squirmed into her pregnant mom's lap.

"Now everyone's here," Ginny held out her arms at all of us.

"No Charlie or Percy this year?" Fleur asked.

"Did you expect them to come?" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Well, no, I suppose not, but it would have been a nice surprise. What about Arthur and Molly?"

"Dad wasn't feeling well so we're gonna go visit them on our own tomorrow," Ginny explained, scooping up Billy, who had been yelling "up, up, up!" while she was talking.

"DINNER!" My mom yelled and we all squeezed into the table, finally getting the twins to sit and digging into the meal.

A New Night (Sequel to PMSM) Draco Malfoy Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now