Chapter Seven

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Cindy's POV

"Do you wanna hang out today?" Dorian raised his eyebrows as we walked out of class.

"Sorry, I can't. I have a meeting with my study group."

"Study group? You're acing every class."

"Yeah, but it's about getting ahead. If I learn enough outside of class then I can start taking more advanced courses."

"And why on Earth would you want to do that?"

I scoffed and shook my head. "Gosh, I need different friends."

"Or you could stop being a nerd," he smirked at me.

"Well you- oops!" I was cut off by a Hufflepuff slamming into me.

"Hey! Watch where you're going next time!" Dorian stepped in front of me to scold the girl who was already apologizing profusely.

"Dorian," I looked at him. "It was an accident."

He glared at the girl as she scampered away.

"Chill, mister. Don't be the guy that yells at a Hufflepuff."

Dorian huffed and moved on. "Well, whenever you're free, let me know."

"I hang out with you every day."

"Yeah well... just saying."

"Alright. See you later, Manchester."

"Later, Weasley."

I climbed the stairs and walked into the room with the rest of the students. They were nearly all Ravenclaws and Slytherins. A scary pairing.

"Hey, you new?"

I looked at a blonde boy and gulped. "Uh- yeah haha yeah I'm a first year."

"Nice. I'm a second year. The name's Scorpius." He grinned and held out a hand.

I shook it. This was Professor Malfoy's son. I'd read a lot about the Malfoy family. They were Purebloods- a part of the wizarding world for as long as it'd existed- so there was plenty of history. Most of it wasn't good. Generations of them had messed around with dark magic. Until now, their opinion on blood purity was pretty strong. Even Scorpius' dad was a death eater during the last wizarding war. But Scorpius had a nice smile and his hair fell in his face a little bit when he talked, so he had to keep pushing it back.

"Handshakes say a lot about a person, you know," he said. "It's your chance to assert yourself. Try again."

I tried again gripping his hand a bit tighter.

"Oh come on you can do better than that."

I grabbed his hand again, squeezing until his fingers were red, and shook.

"Ouch! Too tight. Keep working on it," he patted me on the shoulder and my heart stopped beating for a second.

A prefect was in charge of the group and he began the meeting just like it was a class and he was the teacher. I raised my hand for every question and I thought I felt Scorpius smirking at me.

Dorian's POV

"So, I looked it up. Your mum was a Ravenclaw." Tiberius threw a ball and it kept finding its way back to his hand.

"Why were you looking up my mum's house?"

"Because I'm friends with a prince. That's wicked."

"Cindy does the research around here."

"Speak of the devil," Tiberius waved to someone over my shoulder and I whipped around.

There she was, dirty blonde hair held back by a braid that was falling apart. She squinted as her flyaways poked her in the eyes. Her body drowned in her light blue sweater with a contrastingly small gray skirt and long white socks all under her Ravenclaw robe. Her eyes were... well I had never been all that poetic. If I had to say it like myself then I'd call them shit brown, but in a pretty way.

"She survived!" Tiberius flopped down on the grass and pointed at her.

"More than survived. It was great."

"Did you show them all up?"

"I knew the answer to every question," she lifted her chin.

"Hell yeah! That's my Ravenclaw!" He high-fived her and I grimaced.

"Get us in good with the nerds, Cindy," I joined in, hoping to get a high-five too.

"You got it." She was beaming.

"You look awfully happy, Cin. You sure it's just because you're still the smartest around?"

"It's mostly that."

"Mostly?" Tiberius sat up and leaned in.

Cindy wrinkled her nose, trying to suppress a smile.

"Do tell."

"Let's just say Ravenclaw boys aren't as awful as you guys."

"Cindy met a boy?"

Cindy didn't say anything and Tiberius jumped up. And started dancing in a circle around us. "Cindy met a boy! Cindy met a boy! Cindy met a boy!"

"Shhhh," she smacked him with the book in her hand.

Tiberius interrogated her about who it was and Cindy refused to give up any details.

My fists clenched and unclenched and I tucked them into my robe to hide the fact that this news did not excite me.

A New Night (Sequel to PMSM) Draco Malfoy Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now