Note Book Entry: 1

581 14 9

It has been nice being with my new 'Family' and after spending enough time with them I learned almost everything about m-our quirk.

Quirk: Heister

Description: User can summon gray duffle bags, the color can be changed if they consitrate. Also gives user a skill 'tree' that evolves to what the user likes to do.

Ex: Engram loves designing and building things, so the quirk evolves to do calculations for him or highlights pieces of raw materials that can be used.

Along with a Heads Up Display, or HUD, that keeps track of ammo in a clip or in 'storage'.
The more confusing aspect of the quirk is that if you put ammo clips, or grenades in my pocket, They can summon them by them at will. If they were to put individual rounds in their pocket depending on the round they will be put into a clip that appears out of nowhere. If cash or other small valuables fit into the pocket they will be put into a designated 'Vault' area, adding up to Personal Earnings.

The drawbacks are: If a certain amount of money is not "earned" by the end of the year, user will experience extreme pains for a month, and makes the next year amount even larger.

—Awaking Call's Team Members—
Tavir, Night, Fracture, Amethyst, and Engram.

Tavir as the commander
Night as the pilot
Fracture as the heavy
Amethyst as the sharpshooter
Engram as the inventor


Real name= Ron Dulce


Personally= Calm and collected, joking, the 'cool' uncle of the group, and tactical.

Appearance= Brown hair in an under cut. Eyes switch from green to blue, depending on the day and how he is feeling, if feeling very stressed irises will become a swirl of blue and green.

Loves to ware a old trench coat that his grandfather gave to him before passing on, also wares a maroon scarf no matter the weather. (It gets very weird when he goes to the beach...)

Always carrying a 9mm, for anything, as he has a little bit of trust issues.

Favorite drink= Vodka with sugar.
shaken, not stirred.

Favorite pastime=Planing, teasing Amethyst and Engram to the point of passing out. Finding big scores.

Likes= His Rocking chair, his team, gold and cash, Guns and roses, and Fracture's cooking

Hates= Villains, hero's, banks with too little or too high security to be practical, and Amethyst and Engram being their dense selfs.


Real name= Deklin Longwane


Personality= Cold to new people and enemies. To his 'Family' he is more talkative, and kind of the 'Dad' of the group.

Appearance= Jet black hair with white speckles, likes to wear t-shirts, generally darker colors with slacks.

Loves to sneak around and be out at night. He is the oldest out of the group but is the most mentally scared, due to being quirkless most of his life. Due to this he has almost two personal in him, his 'casual' and 'hister'. The hister personal is a little crazy especially with gold or gems in front of him.

Carry's a foot long army Swiss knife. Can fly a helicopter.

Favorite drink= Hard Whisky 

Favorite pastime= Finding information for heists, making sure his little sister is safe, and moon bathing.

Likes= Gems, particularly onyx due to it being black, his whisky, getting day time naps and Fracture's cooking

Dislikes= Hero's, Villains, people that don't scream when they are shot (This is his Heister side) when Engram hides his whisky, when Amethyst gets the drop on him. Engrams inventions putting holes in the walls. (It happens more than you think)


Real name= Sofie Falcon

Age= 26

Personality= Sofie likes to have fun and take care of people, dispite being a villain, kinda like the mom of the group, she is also cheerful and charming but deadly.

Appearance= looks a little like Nana long black hair, generally likes to wear dresses

Loves to cook, her mom taught her how to cook despite being quirkless, she also likes to lift heavy weights.

Carry's around brass knuckles, due to all of her weapons being to big to hide.

Fracture earned her name by braking about 10 bones in a person with one punch, poor bastard decided that he should hit on her whist drunk as a pirate.

Favorite drink= Beer with an orange slice in it. X5

Favorite pastime= Cooking and baking food, teasing Amethyst and Engram with Tavir, along with lifting heavy weights.

Likes= lots of food, mini guns, rocket launchers, Engrams weapons that go BOOM.

Hates= Villains, hero's, hearing her gun click, not a big enough score.


Real name= Jacklen Runer

Age= 16

Personality= Kind to the team, sometimes the 'enforcer' of the group when Fracture is away. Cold and distant to others.

Appearance= long violet hair that looks like amethysts, crystal like eyes.

Jacklen Runer is the surrogated little sisterly Night, to which she does not mind at all.

She be came a crack shot at the age of 15

She carries a 9mil everywhere she goes, trust issues.

Favorite drink=?

Favorite pastime= Recon with Engram or going to the practice range to get some shots in.

Likes— Engram, her 'brother', getting a good score, time to just shoot her rifle and a large score.

Hates— hero's, villains, Tavir teasing her, not working with Engram and getting shot.

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