Upgrades, People, Upgrades

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I open up my eyes only to find my vision covered in something purple... Wait a second, PURPLE!
Any tiredness I had was imminently gone as my eyes shifted into the center of the purple mass... Finding Amethysts sleeping face.
Her eyes fluttered open looking directly into my eyes just before she started to scream, very loud.

Well what a great way to start a day...

I hear Tavir laughing in the background, and a gun being loaded... Crap...
I dive behind the couch before three shots rang out, luckily missing their targets.
"What the hell is wrong with you people!!" I hear Fracture yell from her room.

"Why would you do that Tavir!" I yell from behind the couch "You two are too dense with each other!" He yelled back making me feel frustrated with his attitude.

I also see a empty bottle of vodka behind the couch too...

"Tavir, how much did you drink?!" I shakily yell from the couch

"A victory bottle!" That was to be expected

"Fine, I'm going to my lab."

I start to crawl to the room to avoid any stray shots that might be fired from Amethyst.

Once I entered my 'Lab' I get to work. Seeing as I was a hero fan and analyzed their powers I've got a decent grip of how to recreate them, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. The next item that is on my list is an exo-skeleton, unlike your generic exo's this one has room to have attachment points to help in the future. Only problem is the power source is a nuclear reactor...

But here is a list of attachments that can be put on the eco-skeleton.

- Grappling hook; A device that attaches to the arm with a line running to a compartment on the back that contains the line used, it is with 50 meters of line. The hook portion is in a bullet like shape when waiting to be used, once launched and has hit a target it will open up into a three pong ice pick like structure, piercing what ever it hit.

- Overdrive; makes the reactor go into a state where power levels are so high that the user has about 20x - 30x their natural strength. Requires a large cooling system to not blow up.

-Jet pack; A device that allows the user to get more of a extend jump in the early stages, when more developed user could probably fly, requires fuel tanks that have a chance to explode when hit.

- Extending Blades; self explanatory, blades that extend to about two feet long from a compartment

- Wing suit; the back is motifed to have two 'wings' come out and attach to points on the arm allowing them to glide.

-Riot shield; a riot shield that will extend from large housings on the exo-suits arms (Forearm to hands) a tad heavy.

-Railgun module; a smaller version of the Railgun used in the last heist, less powerful so users arms will not break or go flying off.

-"Leg Day"; a module that is fitted on the legs, improves carrying capacity along with running speed.

-Mag boots; magnetic soles that are attached on the bottom of an eco-skeleton allowing user to walk on any axis as long as what their stepping on is magnetic and can hold them.

There is a few more but first thing first I need to build the actual skeleton before those modules.

When I was working on the frame for the exo I heard the door open and close.

Slowly turning around I see Amethyst looking at me before blushing and looking away turning to her projects.

"Do you want to talk about how we ended up like that last night?" I ask her

"N-no" she replied rather quickly.

—What had happened when Midoriya left—

"How did we end up like that Tavir!!" Amethyst screamed at him

"Did you enjoy it?" He shot back

"Uhh what" Amethyst said, slowly raising her gun.

"Nothing, nothing, it just seemed like you enjoyed it. Am I right Night!" Tavir replied whilst nudging Night.

"Sure." Night grumbled back

"That doesn't mean anything."

"But you do like him. No?"

"What ever I'm going to the lab."

"She likes him, right Night."

"Sure." Night grunted out yet again.

Tavir then jumped up when he heard his phone ringing.

—Tavirs PoV—

"Hello?" I greeted

"Tavir I got some news for you."

"Lay it on me Grian." I say with some excitement.

"I found a bank that has a large amount of gold and cash inside, but that's not the crazy part that separates it from the rest."

"Well don't leave me hanging."

"They have about 3 experimental weapons inside the vault, each is highly valuable, either to sell or use, it will be very beneficial to you."

"Thanks for telling me Grian, the team will hit it in a bit, you will get your portion when we do. It's a pleasure doing business with you."

"Likewise." He hangs up

"Night we've got some planing to do."

Sorry for not updating that much schools a pain, though I will try to start writing more.

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