𝟬𝟬𝟬. Thick as Theives

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000 ────────── 9 BBY, ON KIJIMI

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000 ────────── 9 BBY, ON KIJIMI


 The irritable voice of Cassian Andor came from the main room of their starship. Eris Krennic rolled her eyes, reaching above her to pull herself up into the room, having been fiddling around with the wiring of the ship in the hull below. "Well," Eris started, sniffling hard from the cold air blowing in from the open door of the ship. "We're likely to freeze through the night." Eris stated, pushing herself off of the hard floor to stand in front of Cassian. His exasperated look would've caused Eris to laugh if they hadn't been in such a miserable situation.

"Through the night?" Cassian gawked, eyes widened in surprise. Eris gave a nod of confirmation before tucking the various tools back into its pack before placing it back in its drawer.

"Yes, Cassian—through the night." Eris answers. Cassian gave a noise of detest as he rubbed his hand down his face. The line between his brows indicated stress—but his sullen expression was a familiarity to Eris.

"You mean to tell me there's no fixing it tonight?"

Eris laughs dejectedly, nodding to the cockpit—the large pane of glass showing a darkening sky. "With what light, Cassian? It'll be fixed first thing in the morning and we'll be out of here after sunrise." Eris reassures, walking to the open hatch and moving down the short ramp into the snowy terrain. The wind was cold and the flakes of snow were a bitter sort of cold—unforgiving and painful against her skin. "I don't even think it's safe to go in this weather. We'll just have to make do for the night." Eris states, tucking her hands underneath her arms before walking back into the ship. Eris spots a irritated Cassian on one of the cots as she closes the door, she sighs. Cassian looks up to Eris—noticing her cheeks had begun to turn a true plum color from the cold. His cold demeanor fell as he pat the spot next to him.

Meltdown ⋆ Cassian AndorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora