𝟬𝟬𝟲. If You Were Dying

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006 ──────────────── ALDHANI

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006 ──────────────── ALDHANI

(6 BBY)


 Eris Krennic banged her fists on the console of the TIE Fighter, frustration in her tone. The sharp edges of the control pad cut the smoothness of her knuckles. "It's—kriff. It's stuck!" Eris yelled. Behind her sat Cassian, watching in horror as the TIE swung back and forth in the hangar of the Imperial ship. "Just—oh, Maker! Cassian, fucking shoot them!" Eris screams, snapping her head to look at him. Cassian scrambles into the seat behind her,  spinning around and turning on the control pad—aiming at the surrounding Stormtroopers. "Cassian!" Says Eris, jamming buttons on the console.

"I'm fucking trying, damnit!" Cassian yells in reply.

Eris searches the buttons in a panic, sweat beading at her forehead. "Come on! Come...on! Fuck!" Eris almost cries, blinking away hot tears. They were in some deep, deep shit.

"Eris!" Cassian warns.

"I'm—I'm trying!" The windows of the TIE are hit by blasters. Eris flinches at the contact, trying to swallow a sob. "Something! Something, I need—"

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