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Nikko Sato:

I arrived at my classroom and I realized that I was late because the teacher was already giving the class. I knocked on the door and opened, everyone turned to look at me and I heard some whispers, "who is he", "he is cute", "he looks like a little boy", Is he in this class?" and then the teacher saw me.

"Hi, you are the new student right?" she asked me while instructing me to walk in the front. I just nodded my head.

"Well, everyone we have a new student in this class. I know it's weird because classes already started months ago, but please give him a warm welcome and treat him well. Why don't you introduce yourself, young man?" She said to everyone and then turned my head waiting for me to introduce myself to the class.

"Hello my name is Nikko and I am 15 years old" I only said that because I was getting sleepy. 

"Well that was short but you can go sit behind Tsukishima," She said pointing to a blonde-haired guy. I was lucky that my seat was at the back of the classroom so I could get my privacy.

I walked to my seat while everyone was staring at me and I just tossed my backpack and got into my desk. The teacher started the class again and I drifted to sleep.

I heard some mumbling around me  "Tsuki let's wake him up, he is going to miss lunch break" then another voice said, "I don't care, you do it".

"Mm" I grunted and looked up while rubbing my eyes  to find the blonde-haired guy with another boy with green hair with a shocked face and their faces were red


I was paying attention to class when I heard a knock on the door, I immediately turned my head to see who it was and I saw a short skinny boy in the door. "He looks like a girl," I thought but immediately felt annoyed by my thoughts.

I saw the teacher asked him if he was the new student and that he should introduce himself. "Hello my name is Nikko and I am 15 years old," he said very shortly.

"What a strange guy," I thought. Then the teacher told him to seat in the empty seat behind me, he walked until he was on his desk and my eyes for a strange reason never left the boy.

The class went on and I just decided to forget about it. When class ended I got up to go to our lunch break and I took out my lunch, that's when I realized that the boy was sleeping.

Yamaguchi saw this too "Tsuki lets wake him up, he is going to miss lunch break" he said to me and I wanted to wake him up, but my pride didn't let me "I don't care, you do it". I said to him giving an I don't care look.

Then we heard some mumbling coming from the boy and then he looked up. When he looked up he had he hear messy with his cheeks red from having his head on the desk and the sun shined through his perfect porcelain skin.

In a few words, he looked perfect. I started blushing but quickly composed myself and when I turned my head to Yamaguchi, he was in the same state as I was.

He then rubbed his eyes and he looked like a little kid and we just stood there without saying anything and he looked confused. The door opened and I snapped out of my thoughts to see who it was.

Nikko Sato

I was so confused about why the boy who I think was named Tsukishima and the other boy were staring at me without saying anything. We stayed like that for about 2 minutes but then I heard the door opened and in the door were Yachi and Kiyoko.

"Hey Nikko, want to have lunch with us?" Kiyoko yelled to me. I wanted more sleep but they helped me earlier so I need to be nice to them.

"Okay," I just responded and left quickly because I was getting uncomfortable with the two boys.


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