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Nikko Sato:

After practice we had school but it was so boring like always. We were in English class, and the teacher said that we had to make a group of 4 people for a group project, I didn't know anyone apart from Tsukishima and Yamaguchi so I thought that maybe I can team with them. I turned to where they were seated, and Yamaguchi seemed to want to ask me something but then 2 girls dragged Tsukishima and Yamaguchi to their team and they just gave me an apologetic look.

I then sighed and started looking for a group because although I may be antisocial, I certainly didn't want to do a huge project alone, also I am lazy to do it alone.

I looked around and saw that there were 2 groups that needed another person to be completed. I looked at the first group and saw that they were the basketball boys and they would probably make me do all the work, then I saw the other group with 1 girl and 2 boys and they were in the corner, they seemed like they would probably jump me any time and they had a dark aura surrounding them.

Hm. I thought for a while and decided that I would go with the emo group. Sure, they looked scary but I didn't care. I got up from my seat and started heading to the dark corner.

I arrived and they all looked at me and scanned me from head to toes.

"Hi, do you guys want to work together on the project? I noticed that you need another person" I asked them and they seemed a little shocked, there was a short silence before the girl stood up and gave me a smile.

"Omg YES! Are you serious?" The girl with short black hair and a leather jacket asked me and then grabbed both of my hands.

"Um, yes?" I said with an uncertain in my voice and she just hugged me for a while while the other two boys just watched the scene, then she grabbed my hand and made me sit beside her and in front of the boys.

"Well my name is Yuna, nice to meet you," Yuna said with a smile, and she gave me a light handshake. I just nodded and then looked at the boys waiting for them to introduce themselves, they didn't say anything and then Yuna smacked both of their heads and they gave her an irritated look.

"My name is Ryota," A boy with blonde hair and a tattoo on his hand said, and he shakes my hand as well. 

"And my name is Rin," The other boy said to me. He looked at me for quite some time and then quickly turned his head in another direction with his face flushed.

"Um is it just Rin?" I asked him because  I didn't want to call him a nickname because he can get angry because we didn't get along. You can say that I'm overreacting but he seems that kind of person...

"Yes, just Rin," He said kinda soft, and then Yuna and Ryota started laughing. 

"God Rin, you are so tense," Yuna said to Rin and then smacked his arm which caused to Rin smack her back harder and they just ended up in a smack fight.

"Sorry about them, Rin isn't usually like this, In fact, he is the serious one of the group," Ryota said to me while leaning and laughing, I kinda found it funny their fight so I laughed too.

They stopped fighting as soon as they heard me laugh, Rin and Yuna looked at the closeness of me and Ryota and quickly separated me and him.

I just looked confused and then it clicked me, Ryoka probably has something going on with Rin or Yuna! God, I'm such an idiot. I quickly leaned back and said sorry.

"Um sorry about that, it's just that we never have someone else in our group, and it kinda surprised us that you chose our group," Yuna said quickly while looking at Rin and Ryota.

"Why would you guys be surprised that I choose to work with you?" I asked while tilting my head. I mean even tho they seemed pretty scary, once you talk with them, they seem pretty approachable.

"Well we kinda look scary and no one dares to approach us. In fact, we were more surprised that you approached us because you look so small and cute" Ryota said and then looked down at his lap.

Yuna and Rin did the same, the dark aura now became a depressing one. What is wrong with these people, they are like 3 puppies. Where did the dangerous-looking people go?!

"Well, you aren't scary at all, and now we are friends, right? I said to them trying to lift the mood, and well it did. They looked at me super happy and they all hugged me even Rin. We started talking about random things and they told me that they skated sometimes and other stuff they did to have fun.

Yuna liked to play soccer and she also did gymnastics, Ryota liked to draw and he also swims and Rin surprisingly liked to cook and he worked as a helper in an animal shelter... Rin is an example of never judge a book by its cover.

They told me that they met when they were little because no one wanted to be their friends so they made friends with each other. And since then they have stayed friends.

We also exchanged phones and made a group chat for the English project, and they even invited me to hang out with them in the future. I don't know why but I felt like I just joined a gang.

We decided to do the English project at the end of the month because I explained to them that I had to go to the volleyball training camp. They were pretty shocked that I was a manager of the volleyball team because they said and I quote  "Looked too lazy" to be a manager. They were also pretty sad that I will be gone for 3 weeks, but before they could go onto depressing mode, I told them that we could still be in touch and do video calls during training camp.

Then the bell rang and I said goodbye to them, they offered to take me home in the car of Rin's brother but I refused because I still have to afternoon practice.

The practice was pretty normal and I talked a little bit with Yamaguchi which offered his apologies because he left me alone for the project, I honestly didn't care who I ended up with, In fact, I was happy that I made some new friends. He then expressed his concerns that I was in the "gang" group, he thought that they would eat me alive... Honestly why society cares so much about people's looks.

Practice ended and I headed home with Hinata, we both had our bikes from this morning so we talked while riding our bikes, and then I got to my house and do what I do best... sleep.


So this is more like a filler because I wanted to introduce 3 new characters, they will be more important in the future. I also wanted Nikko to have more friends apart from the volleyball players.

And thank you for your support and votes!

Love you and be safe! <3

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