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That's all the eye could see. Snow blinded our first protagonist as he walked through the frozen tundra. With every inhale his lungs screamed and every exhale steamed the air reminding him he was still alive. The snow crunched under his feet as the snow attacked back, infiltrating any hole in his clothes. Destroying the warmth that kept him awake.

He kept walking, never stopping knowing if he did he wouldn't be able to carry on.

This is our first protagonist, he has been through hell and back, yet he continues to walk.

Now lets go see what our other protagonist is doing.

The morning sun kissed his face as a small groan left his lips. He heard a yell from below him signifying his mother is awake with full attitude. He sat up with lines of cuss words being muttered under his breath as cracks and pops were heard from his back.

He ran a hand through his hair as he looked out the castle window watching freshly fallen snow settle to the ground as it sparkled from the sun.

Now, our second protagonist as seen hell but has never been through it. He is more how should I say... Aggressive, yes aggressive.


Now that we have met our two protagonists, are you willing to stay with them on their journey through the highest and lowest times? Through the times of sorrow and happiness?




This is your fate now, you must decide theirs. I will ask a question every time I continue the story so you can decide the fate they deserve.

Now should our explosive protagonist

【A̲】go outside
【B̲】go downstairs to his mother for breakfast


We start now

//voting closed 12/6/20//

The chains of your past //kiribaku fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now