One shot #13

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Jeongguk has always been Taehyung's anchor.

The younger would never fail to show Taehyung how much loved he is, cared for, and protected. Whenever the days don't shine and tears comes streaming down Taehyung's face, Jungkook would always be there to comfort him and kiss away his tears.

"It's okay, baby, I'm here." He would always whisper when the room is quiet and only sobs from the older can be heard.

When everything is all light and sunshine, Jungkook would be there and be happy with him.

Even if Taehyung's crying with tears of joy, Jungkook would smile warmly at him and gently caressed his cheeks.

"You look so beautiful." He'd whisper before leaning in for a kiss.

And it's no different now when Taehyung is sobbing, heart throbbing with pain, numb and helpless.

He's clutching Jungkook's shirt, waiting for him to comfort him. He feels his fingers hurting and doesn't even noticed it's bruised already.

Taehyung screams in pain and full of agony, waiting for that body that would engulf him in a hug that never fails to warm him up and that kiss that would always stop his tears.

It didn't come, never came.


Jungkook blinks away the tears, looking away from his lover who looked seconds away from passing out.

He wants to reach out, touch him, kiss him but every time he does...

His hand goes past thru him.

"Baby..." He whispers, voice cracking, "I'm so sorry,"

Jungkook kneels down in front of his boyfriend, smiling sadly at him.

"I'll meet you soon, hm? I love you." He whispers before leaning in for a fluttery kiss below Taehyung's eyes.

A/N: follow me on twitter maybe (@kvflter)

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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One Shot// Taekook AUsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang