One Shot #10

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A One Week Friends anime inspired TAEKOOK AU!!!

Jeongguk always liked– Loved a new beginning. He loves morning, he loves the way the clock turns 00:00. He loves the Monday after the weekends. It felt particularly new, a new beginning, a new sunrise.

But more than anything, he loves Taehyung.
He loves how delicate Taehyung is, his tanned skin, his perfectly dyed blonde hair, his long slender fingers and legs, his slim waist, well shamelessly enough, he loved his perky ass.

But most importantly, he loves the way his lips turns into a beautiful wide boxy smile. He loves it more when the sunlight reflects on his face, shining on his face with his smile.

Jeongguk will never forget the first time he realized he fell in love with Taehyung. It was when they first met. There was no classes and he got bored inside the classroom so he decided to go to the rooftop for air and there he saw him.

The blonde turned his head over his shoulder to face Jeongguk, he looked beautiful. Pouty lips present and his cute innocent eyes. His hands were put on the railings but when he saw Jeongguk, he immediately let go and turned to face him with a sheepish smile on his face.

Jeongguk never believed in love at first sight but that changed everything.

They became friends quickly but the younger noticed how Taehyung still wouldn't let him in his heart, even as friends, so easily. He noticed how the older built a boundary between the two, nevertheless, that never stopped the younger from being persistent and still kept himself comfortable by Taehyung's side.

Which he shouldn't have.

He first experienced heartbreak when the next monday came. It felt so painful. He never knew those words will hurt that much, but it did. It felt like a billions of mirrors shattered into pieces and stabbed him in every part of his body.

"Who are you?"

Three words were enough to cut open his heart. Three words were enough to kill him a thousand of times.

Three words were enough to destroy his love for Mondays and new beginnings.

In every week that ends and a Monday comes, Taehyung loses his memories of the past weeks. Memories of the laughter he and Jeongguk shared, the loving gazes, the holding hands, and just the friendship they hold very dearly. It's all gone.

Yet they still made it work. It was hard telling Taehyung who he was and what they are but it still worked. Taehyung decided to keep a diary with him to relieve the memories that he lost and that's where everything went okay.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, and months passed by and Jeongguk is glad everything is still okay. Taehyung is still with him laughing and smiling and it should be okay.

It should be but feelings are involved. Those feelings he held before weren't as strong as to now. He wants to kiss him, cuddle him, and be intimate with him. Show him off as his.

That should be fine but with Taehyung, it isn't.
Taehyung is still wary of their friendship despite the diary that is keeping them together.

Why does this hurt so much?

Jeongguk never cries but when he thinks about the rope of their connection getting cut, he cried like a child getting his ice cream stolen from him. He thought of how their friendship will end in the worst way possible. He thought of the unrequited love that he has for the older, the love that will never be reciprocated.

He thought of how such good thing as love can be so painful and heart aching. How love can break his heart this much, how love can be a bad thing for someone like him, how love can be selfish and unfair, and how love can turn into hate.

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