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A week has passed and no sign of kakashi, You heard from Sakura he was at home fighting himself to be a lie.
The kids went to visit you so did the Hokage and other people. You felt empty!
The sadness of those you were leaving behind was destroying your sanity.

*actual time*
"Here, you need to eat" Sakura was peeling apples
for you
"Thanks" you grab the plate "Kakashi is still mad, isn't he?
She nods sad
"Understandable..." you add

Someone knocks
"Come in" you shout
It was the doctor. Sakura grabbed her stuff to get going and kissed your cheek "tell me how was the exam later. Good luck"

You wave at her smiling "hai..."

* time skip *

You got back to the room exhausted, nearly sleeping, and without the capacity of thinking in anything except kakashi.

"Y/n..."you heard a voice from the door. It sounded familiar so you ask "kakashi...?"

He just grabs a sit next to you and holds your hand. You fought yourself not to sleep, trembling your eyes. "Do you forgive me?" You ask
"I'm the one who needs to apologize...I'm so sorry for not being here this last week..."
"Don't say that" you add before he could continue "You're right! I was selfish! I chose to see everyone happy until my final day instead of being honest but...I hope you understand..." You let a tear drop

"Now i understand" he replies cleaning it smiling.
"I'm going to be here now until death separate us..." He couldn't help tears too and breaks after those words, and you join them.
"Hikaru..." you whisper
He stops crying confused "w-what?"
"Hikaru...the name of this child..."

"Hikaru...I didn't know it was a boy..." He asks admired
"Means light. He is the light that keeps me going" you add
Kakashi stares at you speechless still holding your hand.
"I want it to be Hikaru..."
"Hai..." he replies smiling

"What is it?"
"Can you tell him I love him?"
He touches your belly "I think he already knows"
"I hope so" You laugh a little "I hope so too that the father knows I love him too"

"Don't worry. He knows, and loves the mother back"
"We sound so cheesy!" You state closing your eyes
"We really do" he adds
"What is it?"
"Thank you..."

In that moment, the vital signs of yours stopped, crossing a long line with a constantly sound.

Narrator POV

Kakashi started to panic, balancing your shoulder calling your name. The doctors came in and asked kakashi to leave the room. They succeeded bringing the vitals signs back but, you got in a coma.

Kakashi let his emotions out in a massive pain, the corridors were filled with painful screams. Sakura was near the room and could see what happened.

"!" SHe shouts falling on her knees "SAVE HER!" SHe runs almost falling to the sides to your bed, claps on your shoulders "wake up, WAKE UP!"

The doctor was watching inside the room.
"She is sleeping right? She will wake up right? Tell me SHE IS GOING TO WAKE UP!"

He looks down "I'm sorry to tell you..."
SHe listens attentively to what he says and, when he finished, she joined Kakashi outside.

Both stay crying in silence for minutes, shooked...speechless...

"Maybe I should call them..."Sakura says looking to the floor wasted
"Probably you should" he replies in the same state

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