The part of the fight

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The ambient was tense. Sasuke and you were giving each other disgusted looks without talking because Sakura took care of you two. Kakashi was still unconscious and you had to carry him.

"Great! Now this is a complete mess. This mission can't get any worse. How am I supposed to know the direction with kakashi sensei passed out?" Says Sakura

"Maybe we should stop and wait that he wakes up" you suggest

"We can't stop. We have to arrive there in 1 day now and we didn't walk that much!" Replies Naruto

"Okay Mister knows everything. Tell me...which way is the village then?" You looked pissed off

"I could say it if kakashi was here to tell me. Oh wait He can't tell because of Akatsuki and who's fault is it? You!"

"My fault? Oh I'm sorry if I have-"

"STOP YOU TWO!" Shouts Sakura "fighting...we are not going to anywhere! Let's stop and talk because there's a lot to put into words"

You all sit stressed and you cross your arms.
"Okay let's start for the most important being the owner of the chakra. I'm pissed off that you lied to me! I'm your freaking best friend. I'm not going to say you needed to tell to this two too but damn it...they helped you and you lied in their faces when we were talking about the purple chakra."says Sakura

" you think this is a secret that I could share like a crush on a guy or a insignificant teenager secret? This is a huge big deal, it wasn't on my plans that people would actually know it. If this is a legend there's a specific reason to be. Look at naruto...they are chasing him because of the bijuu he has, the secret I was trying to hide was for my own safety." You say stressing a lot.

"She is right" replies Kakashi
"Kakashi sensei!! How you feeling?" Sakura asks
"I've been better. Let's get going but before that, let me say something about this conversation. She was right saying this was a secret for her own safety because, actually, it is. There's secrets we can share like there's secrets we can't. Naruto, you have a bijuu inside you, you're the one between you three that can understand Y/n the most. Now I don't want a single word about this during this mission, put the emotions of you apart."

All get up, pick the things up and starts to walk.
After an hour, they set up the tents and the wood again to be resting far away from the place of the attack. Sakura got out her marshmallows, all roasted them, they were delicious. It was getting darker and darker and the sleep time was arriving. They got inside except you and kakashi that were at the fireplace.
"Kakashi?" You say calmly "I wanted to for defending me"

"That was nothing, you don't need to thank me. I just feel they were being a little childish and could interfere during the mission" he says looking smirking happy at you

"I guess you're right..." you get up and sit next to kakashi, laying your head on his shoulder
"I think we shouldn-" he says but you cut him off "don't say anything, they won't see us. They're too tired. I just need a little of you right now"

Kakashi POV

Wait what? She really said that? I know we both told each other our feelings but it still feels like before. This girl is just amazing, I will protect her with my life. I did a promise to myself and I pretend to keep it, they won't take you away from me

"Y/n...I want to tell you something" I say
"What is it" she gets her head out of my shoulder and stares at me waiting for my answer

"Would you be my girlfriend?" I ask


"Girl w-what?" You say
"Be his girlfriend? Wow...this is getting kinda serious..." you think

"I want but...relationships between disciple and sensei are forbidden. For now it wasn't officially but if they find out we could be in trouble..." you reply

"Oh..." he stares at the floor "technically you aren't my disciple. You're 18, you can be a Chunin whenever you want. Your skills at fights are very superior than a Genin beginner. The plan since the beginning was to put you in the team I was going to train to take care of you or otherwise you would be doing a Chunin exam with other people now"

"I didn't know. It makes sense tho. So...legally that is not forbidden?"
"Technically no...there must be no problem if someone finds out"
"In that case I do want to be your girlfriend!"you say happily
Really? Finally I can call you mine..."he takes his mask off and kisses you without hesitating with a French kiss.

"D-damn it! He's such a good kisser jeez" you think
After some moments he breaks the kiss reviling his face. You couldn't see that much, the fire wasn't doing so much light but from what you saw, that was definitely a god.

"Y-you're so beautiful..."you state touching his cheek
"Thanks" he laughs softly
"I mean it. A face like this shouldn't be hidden behind a mask. By the way, why you use a mask?"

"Well, it's my private reasons. One time I was about to tell the real reason but it was so funny to watch people's theories that I gave up"

"Which one was the best so far?" You ask curious
"Well...2 years ago I was in the sand village. Some random girl asked the same question you did. I said the same I said to you and then, she replied that I was hiding it because I have a monkey tattoo on my chin. Really random"

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