The part of the battle

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" Wait sasuke!" You say "look...the small one is weak, his chakra is low now. I have one idea...Sakura distract him, forcing to use ninjutsu. Without chakra he can't fight I think"

"If he uses taijutsu, I will help" retorts Sasuke

Sakura yells in your ear "YEY! THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST!"

" and Naruto will help kakashi. Eventually their kunais and shuriken will be gone. Everyone on your positions!" You say

Sakura started to throw kunais and for his defense, he used water as a shield. He got exhausted! Sasuke got him from behind and tied him up. "Done!" Sasuke says

While that, you and kakashi were defending yourselves and Naruto waiting for his time to hit them with Rasengan. You can hear them saying their stock is almost over. "It's our chance!" You say to kakashi

"Use it now!" He replies
You activated your Jutsu of wires, wrapped them and sucked their chakra in case they might use it. Naruto, as planned, hitted them with Rasengan making them pass out.

"I think it's over" Sakura states
"Yes. Is anyone hurt? I can smell blood..." you say
Kakashi got injured on his belly, a kunai did that.
"'s nothing. I take care of it later"
You stepped back because of your problem with blood and tried not to look. " can get infected. Let's take care of it now" you grabbed Kakashi's wrist and guided him to his room.

"I have the feeling this was too easy" states Sasuke
"Why do you say that" replies Sakura
"This is a mission level B. That group was weak. I don't know how to explain it but something doesn't fit right"

"I have the same opinion. During the fight I was thinking the same thing...the way they throw kunais is like beginners training" Adds Naruto

Both stare at naruto shook because he used his brain.

"I bet this group was hired to distract us while the real group is preparing the attack. Now they think we let our guard down and we are leaving, we got the advantage now." Sasuke says smirking

"I'm going to say that to kakashi sensei!" Sakura says turning her back to them to get inside. Sasuke grabs her wrist and says " He already's kinda obvious. Let him rest"

- At Kakashi's room -

"Do you need help with the clothes?" You say
You take Kakashi's jacket and t shirt out, showing his defined abs. "Concentrate" you think "he is injured, it's not time for this but damn..."

"Can you handle the blood?" He asks worried
"I can. I need to face this!"
You took the medical box out, take some bandages and medical creams. Like kakashi did to you at Tazuna's house, you spread the cream around the wound. You lost what you were doing for some moments, you didn't know if it was the blood or those hot abs.

"Is everything ok Y/n? You're looking at it weird..." kakashi points

"Am I? It's not my intention...sorry!" You reply coming back to reality "it's just... never mind "

"Now I'm curious...what is it?" He asks
"You really don't want to that I'm thinking about it into words is kinda embarrassing"
"Okay. If you don't want to say it...I won't force you. One thing..."

"What" You ask
"Outside...I heard you with the kids, the way you handle the situation do that a thousand times but it's impressive everything to me. Those things you don't learn in the academy...did you have a sensei in the past?"

You look down sad and answer "I used to have a sensei...". after some seconds of silence, you hide your emotions and speak like it was nothing "...but it's from the past. I learned a lot but well everyone dies eventually. Nothing new"

"Sorry for your loss..." kakashi says regretting the question

"It's okay but thanks...alright! this bandage is done, now you need to rest. I'm going to wash my hands before I go crazy with the blood" you say leaving the room.

"Yes kakashi?"
He stares at you without saying a word but you knew what he was trying to say with his smile. yes, he was with his mask off.

"You don't need to thank me" you smile back and leave.

You ran to the bathroom, cleaned your hands and when you were about to leave, you hear Sasuke and Sakura talking.

"Sasuke, can I ask you something?"
"Hm" he nods
"Do you really think that I'm annoying?..."
She looks down disappointed but sasuke continues
"There's moments. Sometimes you can"
"really?" She asks excited
He smirks and walks away. You leave the bathroom and meet Sakura.

"I'm sorry but I heard i-...Sakura?" You say. She was like this:

 She was like this:

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"He will be yours definitely!" You state
"Yes!" She agrees "I'm going to be cool more times, he will see!"
You smile and walk away to your room. Everyone did the same.

- the next day -

A strong sound woke you up, you open the window and saw a huge monster attacking the palace "what the-"

You dressed up quick and went outside. The team was there.
"What is happening kakashi sensei?" You ask running to them
"Akatsuki finally attacked!"
"What wait? How? That wasn't itachi's plan right?" You ask confused
"I don't know anymore..."

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