The part of the Village

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The sun was rising! Kakashi was the first that woke up. "Team! Time to wake up, we have to walk a lot today!" Kakashi states

"What time is it?" Naruto fixes his animal hat still sleepy

"No questions! Get ready quick" he replies

All took their breakfast, dressed up and started to leave the place. Sakura was walking next to you while the boys were in the front

Sakura POV

Maybe I shouldn't ask her. Maybe she wants to be the one to say it. I just can't believe she is dating kakashi, I should feel bad for hearing the conversation but I couldn't help it. Ninjas spy right? I'm a ninja so...
Nah...I will push the conversation and maybe she admits.

"So and kakashi, how is the things going?" I say


"Good" you say calm trying not to give details
"But how good? I don't know...good can be very things"

"Just...good. What do you want me to say?" You reply.

"I don't know. You didn't tell me about the date, I bet something happened. You said you would tell me after"

"Oh shit! I really said that! I know her point but if I want the things between me and kakashi good I need to keep this a secret until I become Chunin at least. People can understand the situation wrong if I'm still a genin vens if it technically legal" you think

"It was...great. We stayed on a place watching the sunset and talking about stuff" you reply

"What kind of stuff? Serious stuff?" She says with her flirty voice "you know when a person talks serious things about their life means you mean a lot to them"

"Thinking about that...kakashi never told me something about his life that was serious. Does he really lo...wait...that's not the time yet to think of that word" you think

"It was basic stuff...not much of a big deal." You retort

Sakura eventually gave up of asking, you wouldn't say anything scandalous and she saw that but there was something bothering were dating a guy that you barely know about his life. What if Sakura is right? People tell huge stuff when they feel attached to someone. Are you special to kakashi? Does he likes you to that point? Why didn't Kakashi say something about him like you did? Those and more questions were crossing your mind during the walk.

After a while, Naruto interrupted your thoughts.
"Y/n? Are you okay? You seem sad"

"Ahhh...who? Me? I'm fine! I was just thinking around..."

Kakashi POV

I know when Y/n is disturbed with something. But what is it? After Sakura's conversation she didn't open her mouth to talk. I couldn't hear much of a thing...I will talk to her when we stop to rest.


"Kakashi is looking at me worried...but now I have the feeling he doesn't like me that much. Probably it's nothing. Let's concentrate on this mission for a change" you think

"How much do we have left?" Asks Sasuke
"In a few hours we will be there. When we arrive *looks at Naruto* let's behave a little, we're talking about a prince."

Naruto swallows embarrassed and everyone laughs.
"That's not funny guys..." naruto says

- time skip-

"Good news! We are here!" Kakashi announces
"Oh waaa ah! This village is huge, maybe two Konoha's would fit in here!" Naruto states

Sakura slaps his heads and says "Naruto! Konoha is not just ichiraku, your house and the hokage place. This village is small!"

"She's right! *stare at a huge palace* I think it's there. Let's go!" You say

Some jumps after, the team were next to the gate. It opened itself inviting the five to come in. The palace was good looking, almost everything was gold plated.

"This guy is very rich!" Says Naruto
"You're right...I wish I could have money to this stuff" replies Sakura
"When I become hokage I will save money to give you gold lady stuff"
Sakura beats up naruto shouting "SHUT UP!
"Ai...Sakura" he grunts

The prince comes out "hello ninjas from konoha! Finally nice to meet you" he comes to greet individually "Hatake Kakashi! I heard so much of you! The ninja that can copy more than 1000 jutsus! You must be really great!"

"Thank you, your highness!"

"Oh! For all of you I'm just Akira" he retorts

Walks to Sakura and looks for some time to her eyes, she gets uncomfortable. "What is it?" She says

"You're eyes...reminds me of someone. Pretty eyes actually for a pretty girl"

She blushes. " you!"
Sakura looks at you giving the expression "he is so hot oh my lord!"
You smirk back.

"This boy! What is your name?" Akira asks
"Uzumaki Naruto!!" He shouts
"Full of energy uh? By the end of the day you should be tired like the rest of your teammates no?"
"It's typical of me to be always like this! I have to be excited for the missions and take the bad guys down!!"
Akira laughs at naruto's confidence and nods with his head.

"Uchiha Sasuke...the only survivor of the Uchiha clan." Akira notices the cold look sasuke is doing and gives up proceeding the conversation. "Well, nice to meet you!"

Finally, he turns to you. He holds your hands and makes a smile "you're a beautiful young lady like your friend. Nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Y/n L/n!" You reply

"It's not a common name around here, what makes it even more special. That's a name for a strong woman and I'm sure you are!"

You looked to the side. Sakura was pissed off at you, she definitely wants to get the prince to herself. Behind her was kakashi jealous, you didn't know that kakashi would get jealous for a situation like this. He's an insecure guy when gets vulnerable.

You had to answer even with the bad situation, you didn't want to be rude.

"Thank you, highne- Akira"

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