Nightmare(minor update)

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I made Odd non-binary, the only difference is they go by they them pronouns and is referred to as their partner not boyfriend.

I bolted up in bed, shaking from another nightmare. I hope I didn't scream this time. I probably did because this one was worse than usual. I was really shaken up, and I didn't want to be alone. I looked at my clock, it was 3:48. Jim would be asleep so it should be safe for me to go downstairs and visit one of my partners I just need to figure out which one. Odd would be the best person to go to, but I didn't want to have to wake up Ulrich, but that would mean going to Jeremie, since Yumi doesn't dorm, The problem was as smart as he is academic, he's not that smart when it comes to emotions. I know Ulrich likes to sleep, but I'm sure he won't mind too much, he really showed us his sensitive side when we all started dating.

I had regained most of my composure as I walked up to Odd and Ulrich's room and knocked gently. there was no answer so I knocked a little louder, I didn't want to wake anyone else up, luckily Kiwi has good ears and, must have woken them up.

"Urg, Kiwi what do you want?" I heard Ulrich grumble, not happy about being woken up, by the door, I took this as an opportunity to gently knock again.

"Is someone there?" he asked, still sounding annoyed, I started to wonder if coming here was a bad idea.

"It's me," I responded, positive that they would be able to recognize my voice, "can I come in?"

"Of course princess!" Odd's voice was full of enthusiasm, a stark contrast to their roommate's. I looked at the the two of them in the bed that was designated to be Odd's. The blond was sitting up, the other was propped up on his side. The blanket still partially covering them, the blond's arm resting on top of Ulrich's torso, and he was leaning into our partner's cuddle. I never thought Ulrich would be the type to want to sleep in someone's arms. That must have been Odd's doing.

"So, what brings you here princess?" they asked. I sat down on Ulrich's empty bed, hands in my lap. "I had another nightmare," I looked down at my hands, "a really bad one," I whimpered.

"Would you like to talk about it?" the other boy asked, having woken up. Both of them had gotten up and were now sitting next to me, holding me. I smiled softly at how lucky I am to have such loving partners. I lay my head against Ulrich's chest.

"Not particularly, I just don't want to be alone..." I trailed off, feeling safe in their arms, my nightmare seemed like a distant memory.

"With us around you'll never need be alone, princess," Ulrich whispered, and as I closed my eyes, I knew that he was right. "You can stay here as long as you need to."

"How did I get so lucky..." I whispered back.

"Well, Jeremie turned on a supercomputer..." I thought Odd was just going to tell one of their (in)famous bad jokes, "and he found you there and thought you were worth fighting for, and we all agreed," their sincerity came as a nice surprise. As did the kiss they then gently placed on my forehead.

There was no talking they knew that cuddling was what I needed then. I didn't know how long we stayed like that, but I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was back in my own bed, alone. I looked up at the ceiling, feeling a little bit jealous of Odd and Ulrich, they didn't have to wake up alone.




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