Ch 35 Caroline Cordovin

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The robot fires a blast from its cannon which Weiss blocks by making a stone wall. We break from the wall with Oscar getting inside the airship with Maria , Qrow turning into a bird and the rest of us going left and right. Weiss and Ruby make their way to the robot while Nora fires grenades with the robot deploying a force field.

Oscar: "We need to find and destroy whatever is generating the force field."

Ruby: "Usually in video games the weakness is on the back."

Qrow: "Until the shield is down, we'll have to get up close and personal."

Ren: "Easier said than done."

Ruby: "Me and Weiss are on it."

Weiss makes ice slam into the robots ankle which in turn makes the robot's back hit the cliff allowing us to attack it. Jaune and Nora cut into it while Ren and I climb onto it's back. Ren pries open a panel and exposes a generator.

Qrow: "What did you find?"

Y/N: "The source for the force field."

Qrow and Ren shoot at it until it explodes and the force field goes down. Weiss and Ruby show up on the back of a ice Queen Lancer. Ren and Qrow jump on and when I get ready to hop on the robot's left hand swats at us making the others fly away leaving me behind. The cannon blasts the ice Lancer the others are on and makes them fall on the cliff. Ruby doesn't make it and is left exposed; the robot readies its cannon when Maria fires a rocket from the airship. The robot catches it and tosses it back with the airship barely dodging it. Ruby makes it to the others when Oscar speaks over the earpiece.

Oscar: "Ruby, can you hear me? Are you guys okay? I think I finally found a weakness."

Nora: "Well, we're all ears."

Oscar: "The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles."

Weiss: "We noticed."

Oscar: "Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out. Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missile while they're still in the launcher!"

Jaune: "We could destroy the entire cannon."

Nora: "Can you make that kind of shot?"

Ruby: "We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon."

Maria: "Well, I've got a way to guarantee that."

Maria flies the airship to the others and picks Ruby up. Ruby takes the shot but instead of a explosion we hear Cordovin laugh.

Cordovin: "You thought you could fool me?"

I growl in anger and head to where the missiles are. I jam my sword into the panel and use all of my strength to lift it up. I manage to fully lift it up but feel it slipping.

Cordovin: "What are you doing?!"

Y/N: "Ruby, take the shot!"

Ruby: "Are you insane?! You'll get caught in the explosion!"

Y/N: "I don't care, just do it! Trust me!"

Ruby: "I'm sorry."

Cordovin: "No!"

Ruby takes the shot and I feel the explosion blow me back and tear open my clothes. The cannon blows up and is covered in different elements making the cannon useless. I free fall towards the ocean and see Ruby fly overhead. I hold out my arms to reach her but only see my right arm. I look at my left and see it completely gone and emitting black smoke. I close my eyes succumbing to the pain and finally pass out.

Ruby POV

Before Y/N can hit the ocean a white blur zooms past him and carries him to us. The object reaches us and I see it's the ice Lancer Weiss made; it disappears and Y/N falls to the ground. We run to him with me holding him in my arms.

Qrow: "He is one lucky man."

I look over his wounds and find burns marks on his chest, neck and right arm. I look at his left and notice it's gone.

Ruby: "He's missing an arm. We need to get him some medical attention as soon as possible."

Cordovin: "You miserable kids, you'll pay for this."

Just then we hear an alarm and look to see a Leviathan emerging from the water and making its way to Argus.

Maria: "We need to leave!"

I throw Y/N's arm over my neck and with Jaune's help we get inside the airship and take off.

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