Truly, madly, blue

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There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea though at the same time it was a quiet sense of something lost. Seokjin loved the sea and his lonely trips to the middle of the sea, away from humans and whatever people called modernity.
Though right now he couldn't be more map, checking out his map. He must have been more cautious and he must have listened when Yoongi told him to get GPS. Because right now all his eyes could see was pure water and it's connection with the sky. North, west, south, east, all around blue and pure blue. The blue was tempting and was sinking him into a deep trance of how he will go back to the shitty city. He sighed watching the tiny waves up and down. It was calming… Still. Blue sky and blue sea were all good and calming, peaceful… really peaceful… but what about blue hair and blue glittery tail? Seokjin startled staring at the creature in front of him. The blue hair… deep eyes… kissable shiny lips… tan soft skin… water drops lingering on the skin… soft tummy… blue spangles around his waist and a shining blue fish-like tail. Seokjin's hand was on his heart. It was strange yet beautiful. The probably merman's tail was shining to purple and yellow with sun rays. The salty wind playing with the blue wet hair. It was mesmerising… breathtaking… and… and… Who said blue was only limited for sky and ocean? Who said beauty was limited? The magnificent merman was able to make Seokjin forget how they spell blue.

"North… northeast…" The merman said. And Seokjin felt a shiver from his spine growing up to his neck and squeezed his heart. What kind of voice is that? The deep voice dripping honey and sweetening the whole blue scenery.

"Yes…?" Seokjin uttered, and if blue wasn't blinding then the merman's boxy smile was awfully blinding.

"You lost your way… you should go to the northeast… your home is there…" merman said, his cheeks pleasantly rosy. It was beautiful in blue. Seokjin walked to the merman and knelt next to him, who was sitting at the edge of his mini yacht.

"You followed me till here?" Seokjin asked. The merman nodded with a shy smile, his cheeks tinting cherry red.

"Why?" It was a simple question, yet Seokjin didn't know why the merman's smile turned to a nervous one, fingers fidgeting and tail wiggling adorably.

"You… f-fish… " the merman said and Seokjin smiled brushing his fingers against the merman's chin.

"You saw me fishing there?" He asked. His weekend hobby with Yoongi was of course fishing. So the little blue merman knew him before? Merman nodded, head down, tail wiggling up and down.

"Thanks for following me here," Seokjin said, softly patting the blue wet locks.

"I always do" he muttered in a very low tone but Seokjin's ears we're very sharp to not hear.

"You always follow me in the sea?" Seokjin asked with big eyes and a pleasured smile. The merman's eyes were hesitant and uncertain. Bottom lip slightly trembled as he opened his mouth. Seokjin's eyes caught the blue tail curling.

"I do… I follow you e-everytime" Merman said, hesitantly. Seokjin caressed his golden shining cheek.

"I am Seokjin…" he said with a soft smile on. The merman nodded with excitement, shaking his tail.

"I know… you and Yoongi" the merman said. Seokjin smiled sitting next to the merman.

"You know Yoongi too… what's your name?" Seokjin asked, running his fingers brushed the blue locks, watched the merman fluttering his eyes and curling his tail relaxed.

"Tae… Taehyung" the merman whispered. Seokjin smiled. His fingers brushed Taehyung's bare shoulders once in a while earning a deliciously adorable shudder from the merman.

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