chapter 2

371 9 13

EDIT: I deleted a few parts of this chapter and the title is remade into "Chapter []" instead of a name so that is all

I've been waiting for a few minutes, still pretty weird that someone will invite me to their friend's home, Better not mess up, or else I might get slapped...I look at my arm, it used to have thousands of scars, I'm gonna talk- oh well she's here

Ichigo: "sorry if I'm late, let's go now or else he will be mad" Never knew she would have male friends, I'm hungry right now, wait didn't I buy lunch? I think I left it at home,

Ichigo: "so, tell me more about you...since I guess we're friends now" really weird now...I don't want to tell her about my past, like very far past,

"Hey, are you ok?"

Nope won't tell her, shit I can feel tears forming in my eyes, "nothing wrong with me, im ok" I tell her...I can just tell her lies, tho that will be wrong since she's like my new friend

"Well, you know my name already, I come from [insert random place], and yeah that's it, I like eating chicken teriyaki, or however they call it " really normal way to tell someone that you like eating teriyaki, she just laughed, I would laugh too but this is me who we are talking about

Ichigo: "good enough, crap, look over there, it's her" who's "her"- oh wait now I know, the weird girl who's " men" tried to punch me, I can care less, tho I can't think but she looked kinda...shocked or surprised? I don't know, I doubt that it's about me almost breaking the guy's neck

Hiro: "I don't see the reason why you can be mad," I tell her, she looks at me as if I was dumb or something, terrible mistake on saying that, I'll just say nothing now


We got to her friend's house, we just started watching movies and eating snacks, usually when I was at a friends house, we would just try to practice MMA and hand-to-hand combat, it was fun and kinda painful, we had an instructor teach us also, funny times

"So, what do you do in your free time?" Asks the dude, I just tell him that I learn American history, it's interesting to learn some of that stuff, he just looked at me confused since it turns he doesn't know what "American History" is, very funny

I just explain to him what American history and it seems he got the idea of what it is, good enough for now


After an hour later I had to go back to the dorms, honestly, I had fun but then again I just wanted to stay at the park, and study

Well can't do that now, I'll probably have to go to sleep and that's all

Hiro: "Guys I'll be leaving now, it's getting kinda late now."

Both of them just said ok and that was all, I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda happy now, I mean...I don't know if I'm ever happy so I guess I can say that for now, well I guess I should be going now


I got a bit hungry so I went to the nearest grocery store to get some ramen, while I was there I noticed that the same dude that I punched the other day was there, since I didn't want to have more trouble I just ignore him and that's all

anyway I left the store, thinking about a few personal stuff, it's kinda sad but you know I can't do anything now, oh crap, I forgot to go to the mall to buy books, ah shit,

guess I can't do anything now

Want to address a few things

1: I'm not going to be writing my best for now (I get real rusty when I stop writing for even a week) so please tell me if I made any mistakes with grammar or how I can improve a bit

2: the last part is real cringe, it wasn't even on the real draft for the book so...if it's weird please tell me so I can change it

(Edit: I did change it now:))

3: thanks for 100+ views, I know it's a very short milestone but for me, it means a lot because I haven't been writing a whole lot and I'm not always paying attention to my book (for personal reasons)

4: every new chapter in this book either comes out before or after an update for "chance"

That's pretty much all there is to say

(Also please tell me how the new writing style is, I used to write in a very weird writing style and I want to know your opinion on this style)

Thank you and happy new year's!

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