chapter 1

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Mom: "Is there anything else that you need?" said my mom, I tell her no, it's kinda sad that I have to leave my house, tho I think it's for the better...besides, I can't let my mom take care of me forever right?

Well, it is kind of strange to leave my house for a dorm, plus high school stuff, I used to go to klaxosaur high but needed to go to Franxx high after my grades had qualified to go there, and if I declined I wouldn't be able to go to a good college.

I'm now alone since probably no one is gonna be friends with me, I'm kinda used to it, to be honest, I don't care

The good news is that I'm alone in my dorm, yeah I know, I have to live in a dorm, it's fine for me I guess, I heard a few rumors about franxx high, that it was one of the best schools of the country and that it will make your future "brighter"

I don't like school, I know I'm smart but it's probably because I study just for everyone's expectations in the family.

I don't want to seem like a loser


It has been a few minutes, the train is fast and I got to the dorm early, when I was contacted by the school, they told me that they suggest me to get to the dorms early since I would start school today, that's why it's 4 am and my mom has been worrying and stressing herself out for a while

I don't want her to stress a lot just because of her son, she shouldn't care a lot about me,

Oh the train got to my stop, I'll get out now

Hiro: "Well this is interesting, new city and new life, let's see what this will turn into.


I take that back now, this city doesn't look too interesting, I pass by coffee shops, clothing stores; smaller, lesser-known stores, everything looks pretty simple and normal.

Oh great, we are here


I went to my dorm, I unpacked everything and got to the high school, there's a group of kids looking like delinquents, wait...wasn't there a rumor that there were delinquents in the school?

Ah shit

Delinquent 1: "ooh what do we have here? I never saw you around here...what are you, new here?" They asked, I ignore them before they got me by the collar, this person wants an answer I see... I think it's safe enough to shove them

Hiro: "chill out, and leave me alone," I tell them, well I guess I made a bad move since another guy came to back him up, I expected this school to be normal, isn't it like 6 am?

Delinquent 2: hey hey hey! Give some respect will you? You are no match for both of us ok? We look down at you

Ok now I'm pissed, I punch both of them and knock them out cold, how dumb are they? No point in wasting energy on just 2 people who are shitty

Hiro: "says the person who just got knocked out, dumb crap" sheesh, can people even respect someone new these days? It's dumb and it can get out of hand,

???: "it's not always someone new here and knocks out one of my men, actually 2," someone says, I look over and see some girl, I don't get it, her "men"? That is kinda strange...I just ignore her and get up

Zerotwo: " Mmh, your fierce, I'll let you off for now," she says, ok? I don't care, I just want to get to school and get over with this day, good thing that it's Friday, or else I would have had to deal with more schoolwork


Hiro: "it looks nice in here," I say to myself, it's very clean in here and it doesn't seem like it's a delinquent affected area, but it is, class in No.13,

Ichigo: "are you the new kid here?" Someone asks, I just nod, I don't think I need to speak...she has a badge, what is it about?

Ichigo: I'm Ichigo, the student council president, nice to meet you...uhh what's your name?

Hiro: "Hiro," I tell her, if she is the student president, shouldn't she know my name already? I guess she didn't know, I want to get to class already

Ichigo: ok so...Nice to meet you, Hiro, I can be your friend if you want, you can hang out with the student council kids anytime, and if you want to-

Hiro: "I'm fine, I-I-whatever, Thanks I guess," I tell her, Crap, I'm getting back to the past, I don't want to remember those painful year's, there's no point in looking back to it,

Ichigo: okay, Also, you're in my class, so follow me

Sure, yeah I can follow you all I want, I just want to be left alone,

Ichigo: if you don't want to follow me then that's ok, I just want you to be ok in this school, also, I don't know if you know this but...there are delinquents in this be care-

Hiro: "I beat the fuck out of 2 of those guys, I can do it again if I wanted to," I tell her, she seemed horrified that I said that, well it's true, I can beat them if I wanted to, I trained enough with my crew when I was back at klaxosaur high, I'll just go to my classroom now


School is finally over, now I can hear music, I put on my headphones and start hearing "silence" by marshmallo, he's a pretty famous artist

Hiro: "yeah I'll rather be a lover than a fighter, (fight-

Ichigo: you sing good, that's impossible, not a lot of people sing these days in our school it's pretty surprising you also speak English, I can also speak English

Oop- didn't know she will see me, I don't know how it's surprising how I sing or even speak English, it was pretty common in klaxosaur high,

Hiro: " I don't know how it's surprising, "I tell her, she seems very chill to hang out with, I don't know if I can let her be my friend tho, I did say to myself that I won't have friends in this school

Ichigo: anyway, *sigh* what are you doing later tonight? I'm gonna be hanging around my friend's house, if you have time, want to come over for a bit?

Hiro: sure? I guess...but won't they think it's weird that you're bringing a no-life loser to their house?

Ichigo: I told them about you, they said it's ok for you to come over,

Hiro: "ok, well Gotta go, I'll see you later, let's meet up here then we can go to you're friend's house," I tell her, pretty strange for someone to already tell me if they wanted to come with them,

Ichigo: ok, we can meet up here...alright bye Hiro!

She seems happy, I wonder what will happen tho, I better go back to my dorm, and take a shower, its all I can do for now

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