chapter 3

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"Damn, how long have I been sleeping for?" I say, I'm gonna be honest, waking up early is the best you can do a lot of stuff before the big guns arrive, what I mean by that is how I get to wake up at 3-4 am and work out or practice a few- oop... Can't say that now, that's classified information

Anyway, it's 5:30 am, school starts in half an hour, better hurry up


Now, if someone ever told me how you can get ready for classes in less than 5 minutes, let me tell you, just make sure to have your family be friends with a marine from the good old U.S of A

Yeah, when I was pretty little, like around 6 or 7, a few American people came to live by, a group of friends to be exact, they knew how to speak Japanese very well, and they were pretty tough dudes, they liked helping kids

That's how I got trained, it took a while to be having a higher advantage than a few people,

Oh yeah, forgot to talk to my old friends, we still talk with each other now and then, mostly about how we are doing with our lives

Let me tell you what we used to do, we helped and defended weak people near the area, mostly kids who went to the same school as us, we were still in middle school but we were strong, we fought gangs who tried to terrorize a school or area,

And that's exactly what might happen in this school

The problem is that girl and her "men" I have explained to them how that shit is going, of course, my best bud, Michael, knew what kind of shit I was dealing with; we all knew since it's what we dealt for in out last 2 years of middle school

And now high school, we stopped and I left, I never really wanted to leave but you know, a start is a start


I got to school, almost the time where most kids are going, I saw one of those friend groups who looked pretty familiar, I can't put my finger on it tho,

Oh, wait they are talking to that girl? Wow, seems normal I guess


"Hiro!" I hear someone call, I hope I'm not the only Hiro who goes to this school, because lord, I do not want to talk with anyone right now

And of course, it's me, someone punches me lightly in the shoulder and yes, it's that girl named Ichigo, just the normal talk, I don't know about you but there's a thing called rumors, spreads around quickly Ms. President, I don't want to be the one getting all the negative attention

Hiro: "hey, why are those people talking with her?" I point out, I have no idea why, but this girl is someone curious, and I want to know what's the deal with this school

She just stays quiet for a bit before she starts talking

Ichigo: "How I do I explain this, the girl you see over there, she was a transfer student, and uhh she was a pretty strong person, a lot of people knew her just because she beat people up if anyone tried something fishy, well as you know, she has a gang, I heard that they are the strongest, but they have been taken down before,"

Huh, kinda strange not gonna lie

"And you know, the people who destroyed these people have left a while ago, they seemed like very kind people, one of the kids looked just like you, he wasn't the leader I heard, or how they said 'we won't have any leaders nor boss, we are people who want to help' and that kinda got me there, they seemed like just about the same age, all of this happened on the first 3 months"

Hiro: "seems pretty strange, not gonna lie,"

Now I remember, these dudes were part of the fight, yeah I forgot to mention that I knew this school from the start, I'm not gonna say that I was the kid who said that quote, but I would love to say it again,

"One day, the group will be crushed again..." I whisper

It's not impossible, even with me being alone, I have contact with a few people around here, who are they? Sorry, can't tell you

Ichigo: "huh? You said that one day they will be what?"

Oh fuck I said it too loud,

Hiro: "I-It was nothing, yeah...Nothing"


"Are you sure this is ok? We don't know much about him, and we could be wrong"

"No doubt it's him, he looks the same, and he's probably gonna figure out it's us one day understand that we cannot try to let this opportunity slide,"

"But Iota, you saw how he beat up most of us, taking on 5 and almost sending them all to the nurse, and besides, isn't he your

"Ow, what the fuck happened to my head"

"Language Hiro"

Oh sorry Ichigo, my bad but If you hit me in the head then those scrawny little arms are something when I'm weak

"Sorry 'bout that," I say, she just nods and tells me to not fall asleep again, alright then, what time is it? Oh break

Finally, I can eat a snack, yeah that's all I'm eating, just a snack...wait someone's behind me, guess I have no choice but to chose the area I always go to when fighting about to start


I can feel a heavy aura near me, I had to get there fast but how? Running won't do much, just probably speed walking, wait no shit human being, I'm sometimes dumb


I got there and yes, of course, random ass person followed me.

Now during situations like this, it's better to just run away and tell someone but if your someone who can realize your enemy's weakness too quick, then your good in my opinion

"Alright idiot, what seems to be the problem? I don't have all day"

" it is you, the rumors are true, I'm amazed how you joined into the school where you and your friends best us, tell me, where did you learn this kind of stuff"

"That doesn't concern you, if you want to fight, sure I-" before I can even finish my sentence he tries a kick, I don't understand how you can try that kind of stuff against someone more experienced,

"Close one"

Now this dust has many openings, a few where you can just almost kill him, he has a firm stance but isn't cautious and tries to act quick, that's good but you have to know your movements

All I had to do was, the usual, wait for a punch near the neck, take the hand, drag it a bit near me so I can kick him,

And yeah that worked, sometimes you can be in a peaty situation like this and be beaten up,

"So tell me, who's your leader,"

"Iota Tanaka, an old friend of yours, I can tell that she will love to have a battle between you, she knows you the most out of all of them

What a fucking coward, just telling someone you work for, well, I guess I should try to remember a few stuff

Yeah hola amigos, estoy bien por ahora (best Spanish in-text am I right?) Anyway here's a chapter, now not a lot of people will understand this chapter, but if you can read all of the chapters carefully you'll probably understand where this is going

Anyway, I'm making another AMV, in my channel (sub if you want) and It'll be about Hachiman Hikigaya from the anime " oregairu" Or known as "My teen romantic comedy SNAFU"

Yeah that's pretty much it, don't have anything else to talk about

.and wow this is the longest chapter as of now, will probably write chapters as long as these in the future lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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