Chapter 6

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I was shopping in the nearest market with my friends. It was sunday. I made two friends here. Hina and Amin. Both become good friends of mine in a very short time. I met Hina when i was strolling in the nearest park. She lived two blocks next to me. She collided with me and we both fell to the ground because of the impact. She apologized to me. There we talked for first time she was very embarrassed. I liked her and we instantly become friends. Amin was her best friend. So i also become friend with her. We were having a good time.
Rehman's trial was after fifteen days and i was worried about it since we got no evidence to prove him innocent. So i decided to go to shopping with my friends to divert my mind off the case for some time.
I reached home at night. I had dinner and then i decided to work for a while when my mobile rang i attended the call but it was some unknown contact number. I attended the call.
"Hello Ayeza! How are you? wife"
Harim said in his thick intimidating voice.
An instant smile formed on my lips hearing his voice. Finally, he called me after twenty days.
"Hello to you too husband" i replied in same tone, "when are you coming back?"
"Sorry darling. I don't know that yet as I told you before but now it's better as I know who is against me and now I'm trying to find evidences against the opposing party which tried to harm our company's reputation by making false accusations against us" he informed me seriously.
"Oh well! That's good" i replied.
"Yeah, it is though it's not the first time that something like that happened. I had faced so many problems building this company. I know it's difficult time for me and our company but I'm sure I'll get through this. Well enough about me. Tell me about yourself" He replied.
"Me? What do you want to know about me?" I replied back.
"Anything....... Like how do you spend your day? How is your job? What do you do in your leisure time?" He asked me.
I started telling him about how my job was going on. And how i made friends here and many more things. We atleast talked for one or more hour.
He hanged up after telling me to take care of myself and that he'll call me again soon.
I was getting very sleepy when my phone rang again. I groaned because i was in no mood of talking to anyone right now. I saw the phone. It was Ali. We exchanged numbers the day i took Rehman's case. I was suddenly alarmed that something might have happened and attended the call.
"Yes" i said immediately after attending the call.
"Ayeza i wanted to ask about Rehman's case. How's everything going?" He said in his thick voice.
I relaxed at that and replied " It isn't good Ali we don't have any leads and i went to talk to the witnesses they don't know anything nor did they saw anyone entering and leaving the apartment before"
Whatever i said was true and it was very mysterious because how can someone didn't caught anyone's eye when he brought an unconscious man in the apartment and how did he disappeared from there? All these questions were unanswered and i was really trying to solve this puzzle which was getting more tangled day by day.
"Do you want me to come with you when you go to the Aina's apartment? Maybe i can help you with something if you don't mind" he asked me after sometime.
"Sure. I would really like that. I'll be there at about 11. Make sure you're on time as I'm very punctual" i told him.
"Sure I'll be there. Good night!" After saying that he cut the call and i lay there thinking how I'm gonna solve this mystery when sleep consumed me.
I reached the apartment at 11 and true to his words Ali was there waiting for me. We entered the apartment as i have warrant to search it thoroughly and have a look inside. It was a very small yet beautiful apartment. It only has one room and a living room, a kitchen and a washroom. Aina was found dead in the living room. It has a window opened outside in the terrace. I was pretty sure that murderer left the apartment through the window. It was two storeys so it was possible that he could've jumped from there and fled without catching anyone's eye but the question was how did he brought Rehman all the way up and why had he done that?
I was taking notes of everything with Ali following me on my heels. He was looking at everything like he was trying to find something which seemed odd to me but i dismissed my thoughts.
"Let's go i got everything i need to know from here" i said after i was done.
"Ok sure. I know a good restaurant nearby. Let's have a coffee there" he replied back.
"Let's get going then" saying that i got up from the sofa. We left the apartment and went to the coffee shop.
"Ali do you have any person in mind who could've thought to hurt Rehman?" I asked him after we ordered coffee.
Ali tensed a bit at my question and asked me" Why are you asking me this question?"
"Look i know someone trapped Rehman and it's also possible that they tried to hurt him to get to you because only if they wanted to kill Aina they could've done that without involving Rehman" i asked back
"Maybe because they wanted someone to take the blame" he replied thinking after some minutes.
"Yes it's possible but the question is why Rehman?why not someone else?" i shared my thoughts.
"Look i don't know anything about it i just know that i want my brother out of that prison and he didn't murdered the girl" he said curtly
"Look Ali I'm trying my best but you also need to cooperate because I've a feeling that you both are hiding something from me" i said studying him carefully. Before he could've replied the waiter brought coffee and we went silent.
"Some things are better if they're not shared. It could create problems" Ali said after a while.
"So it means that I'm correct you're really hiding something and if that's the case i can't do anything to save Rehman because i said it the first day that i need you to be completely honest with me" i replied in sane tone.Ali sighed which indicated that he didn't really want to talk about it but than began.
"Ok. I'll tell you everything from start."

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