Chapter 17

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"I have a plan and i know it's really bad and you won't ever agree to it easily but we can't do anything else now as hearing is in two days. So we'll wait for the hearing and I'll try to take some time from court and then we'll stick to my plan" i told him everything on which i had worked all day
"No,no,no Ayeza we can't do that. It's too risky and dangerous and we won't be doing that. What if we get caught?" Ali said looking at me horrified.
"We've no choice Ali. Be prepared we still have three days to prepare. It's the best plan i have. Now shut up and focus on the task beforehand." Saying that i left for my room.
I woke up in the morning and made breakfast for all of us. Kashaf too come after sometime. We both were laughing at some joke when Ali entered the kitchen. He was looking so handsome in his normal pant shirt. Guess he slept in that as he didn't had any clothes here to change into. I didn't know that we both were staring at eachother when kashaf cleared her throat and winked at me. I blushed profusely at that while he smiled awkwardly and sat down to have a breakfast. They both left after breakfast while i remained in home as i had to prepare for the hearing which was after one day now.
I was remembering the morning incident all the while smiling like a fool. None of my friends know that I'm married. I haven't told anyone despite Ali as I didn't wanted to answer their questions about my marriage while i myself don't know that. I always wonder how normal marriage must be felt like as mine wasn't normal at all. How it must be felt to have someone care for you. I don't believe in fairytales but i guess i would really like that if Harim show me his face atleast. And about Ali don't know why but i always found him handsome and felt attracted towards him. I knew it i was married and there was no hope for us. We're just friends maybe more than that but still there was no chance for us to be together.
I liked him that was for sure but i was afraid of my feelings towards him and i always ignored our connection. And i wonder if he feel something for me too. Sometimes I wish that i was never married to Harim then maybe I would be happier than now i am but all in all it was totally fate and i already knew that i could do nothing over it. It was a tiny crush maybe which i feel for Ali. I did knew that he too feel something for me but he never put it to words in front of me or maybe that was just a fragment of my imagination I never know. I shook my head at my silly thoughts and get to work as i had a lot of work to do. There was no time thinking about all of this.
It was the day of hearing and i was all prepared. The proceedings began. Cross-questioning started. I tried my best to prove Feroz involvement but as I didn't had any solid proofs against him the court was adjourned to its final hearing next week. So I had five days to prove Rehman innocent and had a solid proof against Feroz or otherwise court will declare Rehman guilty.
"Tough work" Ali said after greeting me outside the court. He had left to meet Rehman as he was given five minutes to talk to him.
"Yeah" i replied back.
"Hello dear friends" said the voice of the man which i wouldn't like to hear after a tough day. But to my amazement today i was looking forward to it.
"What do you want now?" Ali spat at Feroz and I rubbed his arm to cool him down because we were standing in front of the court and i wouldn't like if Ali broke his nose as he was already so frustrated and worried.
"As usual. Came to wish you luck and hope to see you at night at my hotel. Good bye love birds" saying that Feoz chuckled and sat in a car and went away while Ali was seething in anger.
"Calm down Ali. You promised me" I reminded him of our previous night's conversation.
"I really look forward to that day where he'll be at behind bars at and I'll be the one who'll be laughing at him" Ali said looking at his retreating car.
"Don't worry you'll get to see that day soon" I replied to which he nodded his head.
It was evening and I was getting ready when a knock on the door disturbed me. Amma bi informed me that Ali is waiting for me in the living room. I went down and saw him sitting on the sofa lost in his thoughts. I cleared my throat and his head snapped towards me. I gave him a small smile which he returned with a nod.
"Are we really going to do that Ayeza?" He asked me after some minutes.
"I think so we are. Just don't think much and let's do this" I replied to him who was looking at me somewhat worried.
"You know it's a risk..." he said
"A risk I'm willing to take" i cut him off and gave him a reassuring smile.
"I think we should go we're getting late. You want yo say something to me before?" I asked him who was looking at me with some emotion in the eyes which i couldn't decipher.
"No.......uhm yes....... If you say so" he stuttered.
"Ok tell me then" i said to him challengingly.
"I want to say that for quite a long time and I don't know i should say this to you or not but uhhm....."he was sweating and I was confused to what he wanted to say.
"Ok.what is it?" I asked him who was looking at me nervously.
"I love you" he blurted out and my eyes were wide as saucers.
"What?" That was the only words I managed to say because I was shocked to core.
"Please. Hear me out. Don't get me wrong. I really love you. I mean from a long time. I wanted to say that to you but I couldn't get enough courage. These four months that I spend with you were best time of my life and don't know when and how I developed feelings for you and few days ago I realized that I love you I just......"
Before he could say something else I cut him off.
"You shouldn't think about me like that Ali. What part of I'm married did you not understand. You're just my friend or maybe more but not like that. I can't cheat on my husband. We should really get going we're getting late. I don't want you to say anything like that to me again or I'll have no other option than to break our friendship which I don't really want to do. I'm waiting for you come outside"
I snapped at him and got up from the sofa. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. My heart was sinking at the thoughts of me rejecting him like that. I ran out from there and went outside. I let my tears flow from hurt and betrayal. I shouldn't have done that or maybe I should. I don't know what to think anymore. Harim is my husband for sure but he's none like Ali. Ali was with me in these four months whenever i needed him while my own husband abandoned me. He was there for me with his endless support. He atleast made me feel wanted whenever I was down. And I hurted him like that. It was true that no one can control their feelings. I too think that sometimes I love him too but we can't be together. I don't know why but sometime I really want to leave Harim and be with him and I know it would be wrong but Harim hasn't done anything right with me too. But i know I can't it's not possible for me to do that. Harim can be like that but I won't ever betray him. I started to cry with hicups. My endless sobs echoed in the dark street where I stood with tear stained face gazing at the stars filled sky.

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