Chapter 24

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I was sitting in my office when I received an envelope from the mailman. Someone has posted it on my name without an address.
I often recieved such mails from different T.V channels as they want to interview me and all. But I never agreed to any of it but this envelope seemed different.
I opened the envelop and my eyes froze on the sight. And I already knew who send me this. It also contained a letter and I read the paper.
Hey Ayeza!

After whatever I have done to you. You certainly don't want to see my face ever and I'm not sure when will you talk to me and I'm not complaining about it too. I just want to tell you that you're very important for me.
This envelope has a cheque signed on your name and you probably don't want to accept it but you have too. It's your fees of winning the case. Remember my promise? I told you I'll give you as much money as you will desire if you won the case. Since you didn't tell me your demand I'm giving jt according to my own taste. I'm keeping my promise.
Don't consider me your husbamd while accepting it. Think about that helpless man which came to you to save his brother. Also it's your hard earned money so you have to accept it.
I love you and will always.

Yours one and only!
Harim Ali

I sighed reading his letter. Though he's right I don't want to accept his money but then again it was really my hard earned money and I should accept it.
It was a lot of money and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this money since I don't want to waste it.
Suddenly an idea hit across my mind and I called my friends to come to my home immediately and I too went home.
After an hour we all were sitting in my home. Amin looked at me with question in her eyes.
"Why are we all here Ayeza?" She asked me.
"I want you to do something for me" I explained them my idea. And they both were eager to help me.
I decided to open a shelter home for orphans from that money. It was an old wish of mine to do something for them but I couldn't fullfil it because of lack of money which I have now. And Hina and Amin were up and eager to help me with it as they also shared same ideas as me.
Everything was done perfecty in two weeks and now it was time for the opening ceremony. And to my surprise we found a lot of donors too for the shelter home. So, everything turned out smoothly.
The reception was held for the grand opening of the shelter home and many famous people joined and donated their money. I was more than happy as everything went more than good.
A month had passed in all of this. I remained very busy in work as I was getting calls for the new cases. Since the Rehman's case brought more than enough popularity for me and I was getting so much clients.
In whole month mine and Ali's relationship remained same. He called me on daily basis and I never attended his call. Don't know why but even though I tried so hard I could never hate him. I understand his reasons and logics for treating me the way he did or maybe it was my love for him which was making me blind for him.
I didn't wanted to forgive him. At the same time I did wanted to so badly that I myself was amazed at that.
It was night time and I was sitting on my bed when my mobile phone vibrated indicating that I got a message and I groaned on reading the text.
It had been two days Ali wasn't calling me and I was worried for him. Even though I tried not to think about him but I still ended up doing so. It wasn't normal since he always called even though I didn't attended it. So I messaged Rehman to ask for Ali if he's fine or not and he replied with a 'come and see for yourself.'
I really wanted to smack his head on that but he again messaged sensing my anger that Ali's having fever and cold and this piece of information was enough for me to get anxious for him. I mentally cursed myself for that. I contemplated for two hours either to go and check on him or leave him be and finally I lost fight with myself and decided to go.
I reached his apartment. It was a small yet cozy apartment compared to his big house I was living in. It really give a homely feeling. I was here only once when Feroz attacked me that day.
I shuddered at that as I really didn't wanted to think about that day.
I knocked and Rehman opened the door and smiled on seeing me.
"Hey Ayeza. How're you?" He asked me after giving me space to enter.
"I'm fine. Where's Ali? And how's his fever?" I asked him after sitting down on a couch.
"He's upstairs in his room. The doctor gave him the medicine and he's sleeping. You should go and check on him" Rehman told me sitting on the couch placed in front of me.
"Ok. I'll. I came here for that you know" I said rolling my eyes and Rehman grinned at me.
"Ok. I'm going then. I needed to go to my friend's house to study but I couldn't left him alone earlier but since you're here now I'm sure you're capable of taking care of your husband even more than me." Rehman said cheekily and I glared at him.
He chuckled at my expressions and left after telling me to lock the door and not to wait for him since he'll sleep there. I groaned and moved upstairs after locking the door. There were only two rooms upstairs and I already knew that the bigger one belong to him.
I was thinking whether I should knock and ask for permission to enter or I should just barge in. I was getting very nervous. But then I thought he must be sleeping so I shouldn't disturb his sleep by knocking.
I entered his room and I was engulfed in darkness. There was only a dim light of a night bulb in the room. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I observed his room. His room was all neat and clean.
Walls of the room were painted white on contrast with the black coloured furniture. There was a walk in closet on right side and left side was attached bathroom. There were some sceneries on the wall opposite to the bed. Bed was king sized covered with black bed sheets.
Ali was lying on the bed on his back. His one hand was placed behind his head and one hand was lying beside him on the bed. He had covered himself in a blanket till his torso. His hair were a mess and face had wrinkles on it like he was in pain. He was looking like a hot mess and I blushed looking at him.
Before I could continue my pervert thoughts I heard a groan. I looked at Ali and went closer to him. He was groaning in pain. I touched his forehead with my hand and it felt warm.
I couldn't gave him medicine since the doctor already did. So I thought about doing only one thing which my mother used to do to my father when he caught fever.
I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl and filled it with cold water and then I took some cloth and moved to his room. I dipped the cloth in water and started putting the wet cloth on his forehead. Finally his temperature decreased to normal after an hour and I sighed in relief.
I was getting very sleepy now since it was very late at night. I didn't wanted to leave him alone. So, I got on the other side of the bed without thinking much and fell asleep.

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