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It had been 2 months since our college is closed for our summer vacation. It's nearly the end .
Y/N's pov
I was chatting with my Bff - rose
Rose-hey girl
Rose- did u find the notice
Me- notice? What notice?
Rose-fuck man didn't u see? Our college will be open.
Me- wtf? Are u serous? But from when
Me- Whaat!! Tomorrow? I haven't still selected my dress omg!!
Rose- I have already selected
Me- Fuck u bitch , now bye bitch
Rose- bye
I quickly kept my phone aside and went to my closet. Which dress should I wear? Umm.this? Nah too boring. Thisss?? Eww old fashion nah. This? Yeah this looks perfect. I selected my outfit and went to my bed.

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