Jeon Jungkook?

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*3 months later*

It had been already three months since me and Jacob are dating and now it's time for the main things to do. Which is - Breakup, Break his heart and leave him alone. Because that's exactly what a play girl does. Right? I smirked to myself as today is the day when I'm going to leave him.

It was night almost 11 pm. I dialed Jacob's number. Ring..ring...ring...
J: hey baby
Y/N: hey
J: what happened?
Y/N: Can we meet?
J: now?
Y/N: yup
J: ok then I'll come to your house
Y/N: no no. My staffs are here.
J: then? Where to meet?
Y/N: at your house?
J: nope my parents are home
Y/N: Then where should we meet?
J: let's meet tomorrow
Y/N: no it's important, we need to meet today
J: ok then let's meet at the Old town bridge
Y/N: what? Are u serious? You know that it's a very creepy place. No body goes there and it's a very dark place
J: then it's way more better that nobody goes there. We could talk without any problem
Y/N: no no not there
J: [laughs] you are scared right? Are u serious?
Y/N: N-no of course not
J: then come
Y/N: ok I'll come. But if so-
J: no ifs no buts
Y/N: H-hel-he
No use of saying anything more. But I've to go. I gathered a lot of courage and got out of the house. I went to my most expensive car which is 10 billion dollars. I sat in the driver seat because I don't wanna take my driver there otherwise he would know about our relationship.

*time skipped*

I reached the old town bridge. I got out off the car but couldn't see anything as it was very dark. I was walking and suddenly a light turned on and I saw a person standing with facing his back and that's why I couldn't see his face. Slowly slowly my feets started to take me that way. After a few moments I realized that the person who was standing was Jacob. I went to him and he hugged me tightly and I didn't hugged him back. He then raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Why didn't u hug me back?". "Jacob I'm here to tell you something very important about our relationship." I said. His jaw dropped. "What is it?" He seemed a bit angry. "Let's breakup" I told him straight as I don't wanna waste more time.

His eyes widened. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!??!". I smirked and said "I said Let's breakup that's it". He flinched and hold my hand, "do u even know what are you saying?". I loosened his grip and take off my hand. "I know what I am saying. Now I don't wanna talk more about it. So just forget me." I was walking towards my car but suddenly he called me. "Wait a minute Kim Y/N!". I went back to him and folded my hands down to my chest. "What do you want now?".

Suddenly he put his hand in his pocket and pulled a gun from it. I was shocked as he pointed the gun at me. "J-Jacob!! Jacob! What are u doing?!?!!! Please put it down! Please Jacob!". He smirked, "Not Jacob, it's.......................

Jeon Jungkook"

When I hear those words, it was like the sky has blast out and the floor has slipped from my feet. Jeon Jungkook?!!? H- he is Je-Jeon Ju-Jung-Jungkook? Did I just hear those words? I looked at him. "Jeon Jungkook?" He licked his lips, "yes baby, you heard it right." My eyes widden. "Didn't you still recognize me baby?" He smiled. I knew who he was but still asked him, "who a-are yo-you?" He made an evil laugh. "Why are you acting like you don't know me?". "I r-really dont kn-know who you a-are". He is still pointing the gun at me. "Oh really? ok then let me tell you who I am. Let me tell you the flashback story."

Revenge is still left <JeonJungkook ffs> Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora