Chick ~~ DabiHawks

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TW mentions of Endeavour being a shitty father (abuse)(just typing that word makes me feel weird) and implications of self-harm. Basically an angst one-shot. You have been warned

Finally. After months of looking, Hawks had finally found the villain who labelled himself as Dabi.
He had been observing, from a tall building, a street that had the most reports of seeing the villain for almost 3 hours when he saw the swish of a cloak down a side alley. Hawks slowly glided to the rooftop of a building next to the alley. He peaked over the edge and, sure enough, there he was. Hawks summoned a few of his feathers to make a sword with then dropped down in front of the villain and held the sword to his neck instantly.
"Don't move!" Hawks commanded
"Or what, huh? Are you gonna kill me, Chick." Dabi smirked. Hawks faltered at the name.
"Don't call me that." He said sternly through gritted teeth.
"Why not?"
"Only one person can call me that."
"I know, Chick" Dabi smiled a genuine sweet smile. Hawks narrowed his eyes, confusion lacing them. Dabi reached down his top and pulled out a chain with a red feather on the end.
"Keigo," Dabi said quietly, placing a hand on the side of Hawks' face. Hawks could see tears forming in Dabi's eyes. He looked deeply into them and saw a small red freckle in Dabi's bright blue eyes. The only person he ever knew who had that freckle in their eye was...
"Touya?" Hawks eyes widened and his sword turned back into feathers and returned to his wings. Dabi nodded and was immediately enveloped in an embrace which he quickly returned feeling Keigo's wings on his back too. Dabi could feel the wetness of the tears through his shirt.
"I thought you were dead!" Hawks sobbed
"I know Chick and I'm so sorry I just couldn't stand him any longer." Dabi sniffed. Hawks pulled away and ran a finger along Dabi's jaw.
"Did he do his?" He asked softly
"Most of it. He thought it wouldn't do anything because of my quirk." Dabi answered.
"What do you mean 'most' ?" Hawks asked. Dabi hung his head and fresh tears came to Hawks eyes as it clicked. He hugged Dabi again. "Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Was it also him that gave you all those bruises in school?" Hawks felt a nod against his shoulder. "Oh Baby. Come on. Hold tight." Dabi put his arms around Hawks' neck as Hawks turned sideways in the alley so he could stretch out his wings. He looked up at the starry sky and lifted off the ground. Within minutes they were at Hawks' apartment. Hawks opened the door, stepped inside and made his way to the sofa all with Dabi still hanging around his neck.
"Tea?" Hawks offered
Hawks shed a few feathers that instantly darted to the kitchen to make tea. Hawks reached out and held Dabi's hand. The other started running up and down Dabi's arms.
"Can you feel anything?" Hawks asked still stroking his arms
"No. All the nerves are gone. Anything not skin tone, I can't feel. I was just trying to protect Sho from him, Keigo." Tears started to form back in Dabi's eyes
"What about Fuyumi and Natsuo?"
"He said they weren't his kids because they have mum's quirk."
"You know you can report him?"
"I know but-,"
"Touya it could clear your name. You could come back to me."
"But I still killed people. Innocent people."
Dabi sniffed tears starting to come back to his eyes.
"But you're showing remorse. Baby," Keigo put a hand on Dabi's cheek "if you tell authorities what he did he could face a life sentence at most and at least 15 years. And you would probably have a month or two in a mental institute just to make sure you're ok to come back to society. Baby. You could come back.
"I know. Can I just lay low here for a bit?"
"Of course. Listen I love you even if you pretended to die," he chuckled "I still love you."
The feathers brought over to tea and the two took sips of it.
"I love you too Chick. I always have." Dabi smiled "and as a peace offering," he put down his tea on the table and reached into his pocket and pulled out 2 little silver boxes. Hawks took one cautiously and opened it to find five red bullets.
"They're the quirk cancelling bullets we stole from Overhaul. I was thinking we could give it to someone and they could develop a weaker version that just reduces a quirk. If they did that then I would happily take one to make my flames smaller." Hawks put down his tea and the small boxes and hugged Dabi again.
"Thank you Baby"
"Ew affection," Dabi said sarcastically. Hawks pulled away and looked at Dabi
"Fuck you."
"Please do, Birdie," Dabi said, smirking. Hawks went pink and buried his face in his hands.
"Stupid great flirt you!" He said through his hands. Dabi chuckled and pulled Hawks into his chest.
"I missed you Keigo."
"I missed you too, Touya."

Sorry, it's been so long! Stupid school! But hopefully, more one-shots coming soon!

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