"No shit Sam we're going to get her back. Dean you better hope she isn't dead because you will be next." i gripped her shoulder tightly, i needed her calm. I can't have her be just as reckless as Dean is right now, although she was already more than halfway there. We finally arrived to a small what looked like a cabin. Desi picked up something from the ground and i couldnt make out what it was. Dean and I both walked over to her, Dean keeping a little bit of distance.

"She's here." Desi whispered while holding Caroline's bow in her hand. She started to run inside, I'm assuming something was ready for us because i heard a loud crash. Dean and I ran inside after her. "Desi are you ok!!?" I looked to my right and her small frame was hover over a larger man.

"Now listen hear you filthy peice of shit, you're going to tell me where they have my sister." The mans eyes flickered black when he looked at Dean and I.

"Never!" It hissed back at her.

"Oh well fine, I'll just find her myself" She said before stabbing the demon with Ruby's old knife. Wait how did she get that? Did she go to the trunk without us noticing? I didn't have much time to thinking about it, Desi started searching the house like crazy. Any demon that crossed her path died in an instant, from either trying to grab her, kill her, or not telling her where Caroline was. Dean and I were pretty beat up at this point. We've been flung around, scratched, and punched. Desi on the other hand was barely touched. She had a few scratches on her legs and her cardigan was a bit torn.

We finally entered a room, with someone tied up to an old wooden chair. "Caroline!" Desi screamed out running towards the person in the chair, which I couldn't make out if it was her sister or not until she lifted her head. Dean sprinted over to help Desi get her sister out, and i started to as well until i had a strange feeling. I started to get dizzy and things became blurry, i noticed there was blood dripping down Caroline's mouth but i could sense it wasnt her blood. It was demon blood, but why would a demon bleed into her mouth.

"Desi, something isn't right here" I said looking around cautiously, "Thats demon blood dripping from her mouth."

{{Dean's POV}}

"That's demon blood dripping from her mouth." Sam's words kept ringing in my ears. There was no way this could be happening to her. When Sam got ahold of demon blood all those times ago his powers that he had from the yellow eyed demon became stronger, but that couldn't be the case here.

"Congratulations, the younger Winchester figured it out!" A demon stepped into the room and instantly me, Desi, and Sam were pinned against one of the walls of the room.

"You son of a bitch! You let us go or so help me God I will tear into every last bit of you!" I said through gritted teeth. I found myself looking to where Caroline sat tied to the chair, her head hung low. They fucking tortured her! My eyes shifted over every cut and bruise. She didn't look the same anymore, her face was swollen, covered in bruises and cuts, her blood mixing with the remaining demon blood. She doesn't deserve this! I struggled against the force but I had no luck getting loose.

"Being Azazel's right hand man before you two imbeciles killed him, I know he'd be proud to see it wasn't such a waste bleeding into those two infants mouths" He smiled sinisterly as he walked closer to Caroline, caressing her face.

"Don't you fucking touch my sister!!!" Desi screamed out as she struggled against the force holding us to the wall as well.

"Oh that tickled! Ah yes, how can I forgot, the younger Scott sibling? Tell me, how does it feel being able to control the Devil himself?" The demon stood in front of Desi.

"Get away from her!" Sam said venomously through clenched teeth. I wanted nothing more than to get to Caroline and hold her in my arms and make sure she was okay. If Gabriel was so into her, where the hell was he?

Desi said nothing to the demon, just simply glared at him which caused him to chuckle. "This is quite amusing. The younger Winchester being protective over the younger Scott! And you Dean! You have a soft spot for the eldest Scott! Tell me, how does this make you feel?" He looked from me and walked back over to Caroline and yanked her head back while holding her mouth open, cutting his hand and bleeding into her mouth.

"YOU BASTARD! LET HER FUCKING GO!" I tried to thrash against the wall to get free. I was seething and I felt the Mark fueling my rage.

"NO!! SISSY WAKE UP!!!" Desi was crying hard at this point, seeing her sister unconscious and helpless, beat up and bruised. Sam was struggling too.

"Oh trust me, she will soon. The demon blood is running it's course right now, making her powers of manipulation stronger. Honestly if we wanted to, we could make her a full fledged demon, just as Dean was. You and her are a lot alike, you know that Dean? She was beating herself up about this case of yours! She beats herself up quite a lot, actually."

I was tired of being helpless against the wall. Before the demon could say or do anything else, a hand came right through his chest.

"Yeah, I do beat myself up but so fucking what! Thanks for the demon blood by the way, makes this a lot easier." Caroline spoke deadly as she dropped the demon.

"Caroline no!!" I called out to her, trying to reach her. Damn it! I caught a glimpse of her eyes before she stormed off, ready to kill every other demon that got in her way.

Her eyes were pitch black.

~Desi's POV~

I felt to the ground on my hands and knees, I growled because i have no time for this and i wanted my sister back to the way she was. Ugh i need Lucifer, or Gabe, or Cas but none of them can get in this damn building. I got up and ran in the direction my sister was going. I finally found her with her hand through another demons chest.

"Caroline!" she looked in my direction her eyes still black, she smiled at me.

"Stop please." I begged to her, but she just shook her head. "Caroline listen to me, i know you're pissed but i need you to stop."

"I'm sorry little sis but im not stopping to every last demon in here is dead" I pursed my lips together. "I know, just you're not yourself."

At this point i knew i couldn't get through to her. I wanted my sister back, she just walked away from me. i sighed i didn't know what to do. i was helpless i found myself being embraced by Sam, he held my face in his hands asking if I was ok. i shook my head "I can't get my sister back" i said hopelessly.

"I'm not going to be able to get my sister back."

{{Carol's POV}}

I wonder if this how Dean felt after he woke up a demon, a Knight of Hell. Desi begged me to stop, telling me I wasn't myself but she was wrong there. I felt more myself than ever! More alive.

The part of me that hasn't been tainted by the demon blood was fighting hard. The boys didn't have Bobby's panic room anymore to put me into a demon detox. What were they going to do to make me better? Back to the real me?

Demon after demon fell at my feet. I manipulated them all to exorcize themselves as my hand extended from their chests, a sick twisted smile on my face.

The last of Azazel's demons dropped dead. Bodies littered the floor in every direction. Desi, Sam, and Dean just standing there with a look of shock and utter horror on their faces. Desi's face held more than that, shock, horror, loss, helplessnes. But Dean looked like he was regretting me out of their sights. He let Desi and I down.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was all of them all running towards me. Then I saw nothing but black.

AN: Well damn things got a bit intense during this chapter! What do you guys think will happen to me? Anywho, just so you guys know Desi and I might start a Dean and Sam story after this one! So you'll get more of Sesi and whatever mine and Dean's ship name is cx Thanks for the love so far you guys! Remember to leave snazzy comments! :3

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