Chapter 18

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krishnaa was going to open but she stopped when she heard noise from outside she hurriedly went and  layed on the bed pretending to sleep . It was none other than kunti she slowly came near her and kissed her forehead and she went to sleep beside her 

In the Morning 

krishnaa's pov 

What made maa cry like this i need to find out this but first i need to find about karna's birth secret but how will i find there should be some way . So according to the points he is a kshatriya . So I need to know all the details of the prince 's of aryavarth . According to me i know mata kunti  has got dev putras due to some mantra . This is really hard but i dont have any choice i need to find it . so i need to find the warriors who are very powerful because pandavas are all very powerful warriors . Then this will work 

when she was walking like it she suddenly bumped into someone it was none other then govi

govind : what happened sakhi he asked worriedly

krishnaa : nothing govind i am fine 

govind : you know you cant hide anything from me he said mischeviously smiling 

krishnaa : govind i need answers for my question . i have found half of the answer but i am not able to solve another half 

govind : sakhi  you need to follow your heart for your answer  . think again see it in different perspective maybe you can understand . Sometimes answers are near us but we failed to finds it . he said and walked away before she could respond 

she started thinking about govind words "  he said i should think in different perspective  " 

she felt frustrated and went outside palace which led to a forest as she was walking she could hear someone chanting " om " which felt divine to her ears she followed the voice and saw a divine sage . she went and sat in front of the rishi 

 rishi slowly opened his eyes and said " what do you want me to do drupadkanya " 

krishnaa " i need some answers rishi ". the sage asked " are  you sure  you  want the answer for that  think and answer this may cost you very much ". krishnaa firmly said  " yes " . the sage started " a mothers longing heart for a child can never be hidden or the child could never fail to recognise her presence . karn is the lord of surya he has a divine aura around him . The mother of him is very kind she had been a devoted wife , queen , daughter, mother but the destiny played with her . Drupad kanya  try to remember the day when karn entered  the competition hall . Thats all i can tell you drupad kanya .  

krishnaa is listening very keenly she could feel that the  answer is near but she is not able to find out she thanks the sage and returns to the palace . 

" This will cost you so much putri  you tried helping him but you have put yourself in such danger that you will not be able to stop it " the sage says and disappears 

Krishnaa's pov 

That day when he entered all were shocked when they heard him saying he is  a sootputra all started crticising him . Karna started arguing with Dronacharya  . Bharata Duryodhana crowned him as a king . Then when one arrow was going to pierce him his kavach protected him . Then all were shocked thats all happened or i am missing something . Suddenly she heard footsteps from the back she turned to see it was none other sahadev 

sahadev : didi what are you doing here ??

krishnaa : i am searching for answers 

sahadev : i can help you didi 

krishnaa : what will you do when something dosent go the way you planned 

sahadev : didi we should always be ready for eg : when  you are preparing for the war we should never see it in our perspective we should always see it in enemy 's perspective 

krishnaa smiles at him and sahadev understood that his didi got her answer so he went away 

She again tries to think what and all happened  that day she suddenly got an idea why cant she see the expressions of the people  maybe that can help. Arjun he was not shocked at all . yudishtir he was calm , bheem and nakul had a shock on their faces , sahadev had a curious look , people were amazed and shocked , bhishm had an confuse and shock  look on his face , maharaj dhriitrashtr had a confused look , dusshala had a weird look , subhadra was very calm . maharani gandhari had an confused loook  , priyamvadha masi had a fearful look and mata kunti had some mixture of happiness , longing , guilt , sad, suprised  look . 

now she was able to make out things one question is that among all of them why did priyamvadha  masi and mata kunti had a look which nobody had . Many of them were shocked and amazed but this is very mysterious . she now confirmed that mata kunti and karn had a connection . She started planning something and she decided to execute her plan when karn returns . She didnt know whether this would work but she believed that mata kunti knows something about karn.

Thank you for your votes and comments 

Do you guys think krishnaa is going  in a right way ???

Who is the sage and the words said by the sage are related to the future events ???

What did krishnaa plan , will this plan work out or not???

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Stay tuned for the next chapter

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