chapter 22

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Everybody were shocked krishnaa  started breathing heavily she felt like someone is stabbing her she felt like someone is contolling her . she suddenly felt lifted up and was crashed into the other side of the wall ,everyone around her cried in fear . they were not able to do anything but just cry in helplessness . krishna knew he wont able to be do anything destiny tied his hands .

Arjun need to choose in between his best friend and his lover  he didnt know where subhadra is her draupadi is thrown like a ball side by side .he wanted to help but was not able to move a muscle 

Karna felt like a piece of waste he was not able to do anything .they were not able to do anything  she is bleeding badly if  she is not treated she will definetly die  . They were like frozen in place like statues

Krishna may be vishnu but still he is a human in this world  he knows nothing can be done he can free this spell on him but he cant because he is tied by the destiny 

 Krishnaa was in so much fear she was shouting for help but they were  not reacting they were just crying she felt all her energy drain . She was covered in blood but still she didnt die this is what suprised her even more 

Meanwhile on the other side 

subhadra opened her eyes look at she was in middle of something she couldnt see anything clearly but  she could hear someone telling her something 

unknown : so you have got up  

subhadra : w..ho are you ??

unknown : that does not matter  because you are my prey now 

subhadra freaked out when someone carried in and put her down she could smell smoke dead bodies she  cried  for help which she know she wont get 

she could hear some mantras but then suddenly she felt some pain in her stomach but was confused when there was no knife present on her skin but blood was flowing she felt thrashing on a nearby wall she cried and asked " who are you and why are you doing this to me " 

she heard him replying " I have to pay back the debts to you and your sister "

in the heaven 

devas were in so much 

surya dev : indra dev why cant you ask the help of mahadev he asked angrily 

indra dev : why cant you understand we cant do anything its all upto their decision 

surya dev : still we can do something 

yama dev : will you keep quiet , we cant do anything now have faith on mahadev 

agni dev : i am loosing my energy  he said and was fainting 

everyone around him caught him    ashwni putras checked him and said " our medicine can make him stable for sometime but not for too long " 

indra dev : everyone have faith on mahadev 

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