Bruce cleared his throat, receiving everyone's attention. "How was everyone's day?" The question felt awkward in Bruce's lips like it did not belong. Damian tsk-ed as Tim paled. 

"I swear it was Jason's idea!" Bruce frowned at Tim's comment, taking in a deep breath. 

"Pathetic as always Drake," Bruce sent Damian a quick glare before turning to Danny. Danny froze like a deer caught in the headlights. 

"f...ine." Danny lowered his gaze to his meal. 

"That's good." Danny knew Bruce was done with the small talk. He did not know the man or anyone here for that matter but he could tell when they were trying to act normal. Like this dinner. Clearly this was not the normal they were used to. Danny half expected their normal to be throwing knives at each other with Bruce and Mr. Grayson trying to intervene, Jason cheering from the sidelines and Alfred sighing in disappointment. "Are you listening Danny?" Bruce's voice broke him out of thoughts. 

"Sorry. I was distracted." 

"Quite alright Master Danny. I was asking if you would like something more to your taste?" Danny was confused, not sure what Alfred meant. "You have not touched your meal Sir." Danny did not expect anyone to notice but they did. Of course they did. It was like he was living with a family of detectives. They caught his every lie, every act, even his smallest habits. 

"No. The food's great. I'm just not hungry," Alfred did not look convinced as he left for the kitchen. Danny thought that was the end until Alfred returned with a bowl of soup. He replaced Danny's meal with the soup without a word. 

"A young boy such as yourself, must eat to grow." Alfred did not push any further but Danny knew this was not the end. 

"I saw your grades Danny and I wanted to know if you would like to start school immediately or have a tutor help you catch up?" Danny almost choked at Bruce's words. His grades were non-existent. Not that anyone could blame him. It was difficult to be the town hero, hide from his ghost hunter parents, be bullied at school, run from the GIW and keep his grades up. 

"The tutor would be nice. My grades aren't......."

"Yes. We will have to work on that," Danny knew Bruce wasn't finished. He was selecting his words carefully. Watching Danny's every move like a hawk. "I read your school reports." There it was. The one thing Danny feared. He tried his best to remain calm but he was sure Bruce would see through the cracks. "Skipping, fights, injuries, concussions -"

"I did not have the best high school experience. You can't even imagine how hard being a Fenton can be." And Phantom. 

"I have signed you up for therapy -"

"Why?" Danny gripped his spoon. How could Bruce make decisions for him? If anyone needed therapy, it was this family of crazies. What kind of family has knives and guns laying around? 

"Danny, it's for your own good. You can't keep your emotions bottled up ins-"

"You are not my father! You can't decide what's best for me -"

"Danny it's just ther-"

"And I don't need it. I am perfectly fine!"

"I lost one son and I'm not going to lose another one the same way! You are going to therapy and that is final!" Bruce left the room. Danny was shocked. Bruce referred to him as his son. Son. But what did he mean by 'lost one son'? Who did he lose? 

Danny didn't know if he wanted to find out.

The more time he spent at the manor, the more convinced he became.

These people were not normal.

Yet they belonged together. 

Could he find his place?


Sorry for the late update. I have been busy with my exams as it's exam season. Honestly can't wait to be done with this semester. Anyways, how is everyone? I hope Good.

When I watch or read something, I always wonder what would happen if the character made a different choice. Does anyone else do that? 

Like what if Bruce had sent his sons to therapy? 



Like, comment and be Safe!


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