Something in me

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Dean's POV

It was after a month since Mia gave me the name of some books and again left the country. I didn’t know what is she doing and where she was. She went without a warning. Camila didn’t talked with me for few days but somehow I managed to make her talk with me. Thanks to Mia, I got to know that I’m the favourite brother for my sister. I made certain schedules so that I won’t break my loved one’s heart ever again.

Waking up at 4, studying till I go out for my routine, Classes, Tennis practice, again studying, dinner with family and at least half an hour extra time to my family after dinner. Again studying and researching and then some sleep.

But what the hell happened to Mia? Why is she always flying to abroad? When I asked about this to my sister, she told me it’s not her story to tell and I should wait for Mia. But I don’t get why? She didn’t came to Facebook last month so I don’t have a track on her. 'Shit! Why the hell I didn’t get her phone number yet? Already a semester was over yet I don’t have her number.'

I was lying on my bed and looking at Mia’s Facebook account. I always do it, but not like that day. I used to stare at her profile picture and her last online time, but I never scrolled down and looked at her posts which I did that day. Lot’s of place’s and peoples pictures were there, even animals, birds and insects too. It seems like she took the photos. I never got to know that she’s interested in photography. But these posts were posted after she came back here.
'When she studied everything that she should have do in current semester, before five years, she’ll do whatever she wants.' Still I don’t have any idea of why she studied it all  back. Before I ask anything she got a call and left the country. All she said before leaving is...

“Take care of yourself before doing anything else.”

I still don’t know why the hell she said it. I was taking care of myself well. Again I looked into her posts. There is this particular guy who commented in her every post and he is in her friend list. When I went down and down, may be few days before she came back, there was this post... “Chris and Mia are celebrating their 5 years of friendship”.

I don’t know why but after looking at that post I logged off from my Facebook account and put my phone aside.

Next day, My best friend Josh ran towards me and panted like he ran marathon for miles and hours. “Calm down man... What happened? Why are you running?” I said.

“This semester’s results are out!” He panted.

“What’s the big deal?” I asked casually.

“You got Second rank. Congratulations!” He excitedly jumped and gave me his hand.




'It can’t be true...'

I looked at him and tried to be calm while asking this. “Who’s first?”

'Don’t tell her name! It can’t be her... It should not be her.' I repeated it like a prayer in my mind.

“Mia!” But when he said her name, I felt like I was fallen into a deep pit. Again I became second, because of that girl. She’s not even here to know she defeated me again. It was the worst week for me. The history was repeating itself again and again in my life. I feel like my life was becoming more and more miserable because of this particular girl.

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