Unexpected Turn

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Mia's POV

"Get ready. We need to visit your parents today." He knocked the door. After few seconds I opened the door in silence. With a long black robe, I, Mia came out of that room. I didn't even talked a word to him. As he lead the way I followed him in silence. What else can I do?

The car stopped in the cemetery. By controlling the tears which threatens me to fall down from my eyes, I walked like a brave girl, whom I’m not, towards the particular cemetery. When I stood before the cemetery, that irritating man stood beside me as he captured my hand after struggling for few minutes.

"As I promised you both, I took care of Mia for the past 7 years, and I'll continue taking care of her. As you wanted us to get married, I'll marry Mia in 6 months." He said as he was looking at the grave of my parents.

"What?" I stood there with utter shock. Tears started to betray me, but i didn't loose my brave face in front of my so called fiancé.

"Dad! Why did you do this dad? He's not the man that I love. Why did you promised him? Why?" I asked silently in my heart to my dad who is resting there peacefully.

"Mr. Crane... Shell enterprise wants to hold a meeting today." His secretary said.

"Let them act as per their wish!" He said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Crane enterprises is one of the biggest game production company in Australia. Logan Crane is the CEO of the Crane enterprises as well as the only son of it's chairman William Crane. My father and William Crane were best friends since their childhood. Before I came into this cruel world, my parents engaged me with Logan Crane.

Logan Crane... Describing him is the easiest thing yet the hardest thing in this world. People thinks they understand him so well, but the result will the totally opposite from what they guessed. His brain is faster than thousands of CPU and his ideas are bigger than the whole damn universe. For every problem he gets his solution in less than 2 minutes. He's one of the most fastest as well as the greatest coder in this world.

He was appointed as the CEO when he was 21. But that didn't stopped him from anything. He released his first game... I mean the game he created all alone without anyone working under him, when he was 12. And that game is still popular among teens even after 20 years.

Yes, he's 32 years old and the most handsome and the most eligible bachelor of every girl's dream in Australia. His 6'3 height, sun kissing complexion, broad shoulders, well sculptured body, his manly voice and the dimples on his cheeks while he smile causes heart ache in every girl there, but not mine. He is the man of his words and he hate the people who breaks their words and promises. He is kind but never forgive the person who betrays him. He is in love with me since god only knows.

Back to the current situation, we returned home and without speaking anything I went into my room and locked it. Logan stood on the other side of the door with a pained look on his face, looking at the locked door of mine, till he got a call from his company after somewhat half an hour.

I came out with my formals, holding a file and rushed into my car. In a next twenty minutes I reached Phoenix and rushed to the meeting hall with anger like the Phoenix which came to life after nirvana. I threw the file on the long table in the meeting hall as the board members stood from their seat terrified. No one ever saw me like this, not even myself in mirror. Not even when Phoenix was under the threat of getting bankrupt. I know that all the staffs were terrified by looking at me like this.

"What the hell are you going to explain for this?" I shouted like... I don’t know, but my people say is as ‘roared like the lioness'. Lucy picked the papers and took a look. She grasped with the content that is printed in the papers.

"It's... It's the game prologue, that we are working for day and night for the past couple of month. How could Snail have the exactly same idea as our chairman?" Lucy looked confused and took her seat as she kept her hand on her forehead.

Everyone started to murmur within themselves as I took my seat with a heavy sigh. Lucy, the Programming Manager of Phoenix as well as my best friend, "Give me a minute please." Everyone turned their attention to Lucy. "They steal it. It's exactly the same data that we discussed day before yesterday."

Anger flashed in everyone's face. No one knows who's the traitor. "I will take the responsibility for this Ms. Hunter." Lucy said with anger, because they worked their asses to develop such characters and graphics. So whoever leaked the information will be dead meat when they got caught by anyone from the company.
"No need. I have another plan." Everyone looked at me with sparkle in eyes. "I need everyone's suggestions. I don't want to ignore anyone. Even if it's very small detail, that will help us in developing a wonderful game. I'll approve each and every step by myself. You all have 3 hours before the next meeting. Have inter department meeting with the staffs and assemble for meeting at 4 pm." I said with my no nonsense bossy tone.
"But there are 4 hours!" Said my Secretary Bella.
"Lunch time is not included. Everyone can have their lunch without worrying. And, you have been in this company for the past 3 years, still you don't know about the employees freedom that's mentioned in the contract?" I challenged her.
Her jaws dropped in My question. It's the traditional thing in Phoenix that all the employees will have their lunch time no matter what, and they will not be distributed during that time. Even though the cafeteria in the Phoenix provides all the food, snacks and beverages required for the staffs and it'll not take more than 30 minutes to have their lunch, they have one hour for having relaxed lunch.

Lucy knocked my cabin and entered with two cups in her hand. "Here you go dear." I got the cup with a faint smile and had a sip.

"What type of coffee is this?” I asked with amusement.

"A very special coffee brewed by your only Lucy." With a warm smile she said proudly.

"What will I do without you?" I asked with a sad face.

"You will do so good as you are. But don't even dream of sending me out so easily. I'm not planning on leaving." Lucy said.

"But you are getting married in a month." I reminded her as she left a big sigh.

"Josh is an asshole. If he didn't make me carry this little pea in my little belly, I'd have pushed the wedding date after realising this game." Lucy rubbed her belly as she said those.

"How is everything going with the marriage arrangements, dear?" I asked with happiness.

"Since it's a simple wedding, everything is going fine." She took a sip of her coffee.

My eyes shined with sparkles which I lost 7 years ago. ‘It's been 7 damn years since I saw his face for the last time... Since I felt his lips for the last time... Since I hugged him for the last time... Since I heard his voice for the last time... Just one more month to meet him again.’ Just thinking about him encouraged me to do my work enthusiastically.

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