I looked around for yuvi but I didn't find him, he slept right here.. where did he go ? He left me alone here ?

I walked around but there's no trace, I am ducking alone here again! With no water no medicine no clothes no food no shelter no fire no heat no light, just nothing except me and my thoughts!

What have I done yesterday! What did I do today! What's happening now and what's tomorrow ?

Are these tasks breaking me as human? Where and how did they bring this worst Human from me ? Why am I missing dad more now a days ? Where did my concentration go ? Where's my dedication? What's my aim now ? Yuvi's right when he said my dad would be ashamed of me!

I am sorry dad! I am sorry for breaking your heart and yuvi's heart on the same day!

I thought I just lost you but I lost him too! I lost him forever just like you! He left me! Just like you!

Can you just bring him back for me for once ? You can't right ? You can't even hear me! How will you bring him back! I am such fool!


Yuvi pov :

I walked towards my place and found souline crying hard trying hard to breath

As soon as she saw me, her eyes went wide, she ran towards me to hug me and I stopped her, she froze there and started to cry hard again, I didn't give any damn.. I just walked towards a tree arranged a camp fire and sat there waiting for right time to lit the fire

She sat there crying for hours and I really didnt care, but having nothing to do,my eyes used to go on a trip towards her and back

I arranged a nice cozy shelter for me with branches and thick leaves to lay down in the night

I think its time to take my mre I am just too exhausted and hungry, I opened my molle and found sufficient mre including fruit and nut bars, this is just enough for my life! I want nothing now! Eat and sleep!


Soul's pov :

He didn't care me for a second, theres not even a single peek a boo

This silence is breaking my heart

His silence is hurting me more than anything

But this is not what I am looking for or waiting for

Am the only one who can change anything around me! Let him do whatever he wants, but I am gonna try untill he forgives me! It's my mistake after all..

Dad once said "the more you belive it, the more it becomes real for you, that's why it's important to believe in positive things, whatever you belive you feel it's right, and universe always proves that you're right in the way you want.."

I am gonna raise up from here, I don't want to doom myself in the dark anymore, life is short and fragile, it's just a fucking sorry all it takes.. let him show his anger but what is more important is his love and trust.. that bond which just shattered is all that I have now.. I made a mistake and I am not gonna hide or run away from it, I am gonna face it and pay for it.. may be this is the right chance I need to take

I took a deep breath.. I walked towards him

He didn't care he didn't even look at me or cared for me.. i kneeled right in front of him, i am shivering, I am wet, but I am high in positivity

He looked into my soul and looked at his hand which I am holding, he gave a look which made me gulp, he gave me an intimidating look, I am suddenly afraid of him.. like freaking hell.. where did my confidence go? Come back for once please!

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