Chapter Twele - Love Lifes

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You all wake up to knocking on your door "ugh what the hell" say draco "who is that?" says hope "ill check who is it" you yell while getting out of bed "it's me" yells hermione "hermione what the hell" you opened the door "wow he slept here wheres hope?", "over here", "oh hi", "hey", "you were okay with this?" you look at hermione "HERMIONE! get to the point what is it?" you ask. She took a long breath. Which scared you.

"Hermione?" says hope getting up next to you "what is it granger?" says draco now getting up as well next you the opposite side "hermione?" you ask "it's harry", "what about him?", "he won't say anything he won't talk to me nor will he talk to ron!" she says "and you woke us all why?", "technically i wanted hope to open the door but whatever", "why me?" says hope confused "because he listened to you. why? i dont know but he did", "so you want her to talk to him?", "yes" she says "hope?" and draco say "um i-i dont know", "please hope" says hermione "fine but i'm only doing this for you" hermione smiles.

Hope walks away to put on a sweater "Wait here" you tell hermione. You walk to hope "are you sure?", "i dont have a choice i have to help" she says looking at you "you don't have too" you lean on to hers sholder "but i want to help", "also quick question do you like him?" you smile "shut up" she says "whatever", "hope?" says draco coming up to you and her "yes?", "are you sure about this?", "worried?" he stays silent "ill be fine draco no need to worry" she says. you hug hope, after she looks at draco and he nods at her.

"Hope are you ready?" says hermione from the door "Yea let's go" she says while letting out a sigh "you go this" you say to her "okay bye guys", "bye" you and draco say while waving goodbye.

Hopes POV-
I was walking with hermione when we finally get to where harry was. He was out side of griffindor common room "harry?" says hermione "what is it herm-" he stops talking once he sees me "why is she here?" he looks at the floor "harry you need her" she says "i got it from here h its fine" i say to hermione "okay well ill let you two talk" she says as she walks into common room "come to make me feel bad?" harry says "no i came to help you and whatever the hell is wrong with you" i say while sitting next to him "did lynzee send you?", "no she didn't hermione came for me said i could help you?" he looks at me. He looks as if he had gotten no sleep. "Have you been sleeping?" i ask "Why do you care?" he looks away.

"Harry" i turn him twoard me "you need sleep" i say looking him straight in the eye "i'm fine" he looks away again. I get up and look down at him "Get up!", "wh- no", "harry get the hell up now" i slightly yell "fine" he gets up "open your common room", he opens the common room door and i ask where his dorm was and he showed me "open the door" he opens the door, As the door opens i see ron and hermione on ron's bed "hey guys" i say "hey" they say "go lay on the bed" i whisper in harry's ear "why" he says "just do it" he goes and lays down i bend over to reach his ear "now go to sleep" i smirk while standing straight "no" he says "harry just do it" as i'm about to walk away he grabs my hand and pulls me back "lean over" he says "what?" i whisper in his ear.

"lay here with me" he whispers back "fine" i walk around the bed and lay down and play with his hair until he's asleep.

Lynzee's POV
"Ugh" you sigh "what's wrong?" says draco while laying on the bed watching you pase around the room "she hasn't come back yet", "she's fine" he says "draco it's 1 pm already she's been gone since like 7 am!" he gets up and walks to you and stops you "she is fine".

"I'm texting hermione" you say walking to your phone "ugh" he sighs "i texted her and she says there fine that harry fell asleep on her lap in the dorm she said the her, hope and ron are watching movies while he sleeps", "you see there fine now come here" he pulls you in and starts to kiss you and moves slowly down to your neck (we all know what happens after).

Pleasure and Pain (Draco Malfoy) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें