Chapter Seven - Forgive Me

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After the day was over you and hope went to your dorm and as you walked in you saw a letter on your bed. Confused "did you put this here?" you asked her "no i didn't read it!", "okay" you say

Dear Lynzee,

Hi Lynzee I know we don't talk as much since second year but i miss you and talking to you was everything i'm sorry for the way things ended between me and you but i miss you and qthe sound of your voice.Please forgive me.


"harry? HARRY!" hope yells "HOPE!? don't yell!", "wait what happened between you and harry?" she asked "Me and harry broke up because he was "dangerous" or so he said i never believed it but he told me I would be in danger if we stayed together so we broke up. And well i met Draco and here we are now" you say with a sad smile. Feeling your eyes water up you start crying but you tried to hold it back and clearly you couldn't. Hope hugs you and you both just sit on your bed.

After what feels like hours you finally get up "yea sad story i'm over it" you say trying again to push back you emotions "let's watch a movie", "lynzee?" hope says with a sad face "What i dont want to sit here and cry over two boys who broke my heart and want me back! is that a problem?" you say getting mad "Fine let's just watch a movie then" hope says smiling, while getting up.

After hours of watching movies you realize what time it is "Oh My GOD its 2 am!" you yell hope jumps up "WHAT!?", "ITS LATE! let's go to bed!" you say after about 10 minutes you never realized how tierd you were and you fell asleep so fast you don't even remember the last thing you did.

Its 6am now ONLY FOUR HOURS OF SLEEP? yes only four i know! you get up and walk to the bathroom and wash your face and jump into the shower. After your shower you get dressed obviously. And hopes finally waking up "Good Morning Sleepyhead!" you say laughing "Shut up!" she says as you pass her your cup of coffee "Get up go take a shower!" you say "ugh fine"

After about 30 minutes it's now 7:30 am. "Let's go for a walk or something" you say "Yea that sounds good", "okay come on" you say laughing "did i miss something or are you always this happy when you wake up?", "nope just feel good about today", "mkayyy" she says laughing.

As you and hope are walking into the hallways you bump into the one and only Harry Potter "oh uh hi!" you say smiling "hi", "sorry i wasn't paying attention i'll let you go" you say "no its my fault i wasn't paying attention either" he laughed "well i guess it's both of our fault then huh?", "yea i guess so! can i uh can i talk to you?", "uh yea Hope give me a minute" ,"okay it's finee" she says "what's up?", "would you like to go on a study date? with me?" you look at him suprised "um i'd i'd love to!" you say with a smile "great um i'll see you tomorrow at 4 in the library sound good?", "yea perfect" you giggle and walk back to hope

"What was the about?", "apparently i have a study date with harry tomorrow at 4" you say smiling "awe someone got a crush?" she says laughing "shut up come on let's go for our walk", "we don't have time now you spent your time talking to mc'dreamy over there", "then let's go to breakfast" you say laughing.

After breakfast was over you were heading to your first class when you hear something call your name "Lynzee!" you turn around to see draco "oh god", "hi can i talk to you?" he asked "uh no", "please it's important", "oh my god fine wait here" , "yup okay" hope says "what is it malfoy?", "dont call me that" ,"i call you whatever i want now what" , he gets close to you and whispers in your ear "you know this tough girl act will only ask for so long", you start to get the chills his cold breath against your warm skin.

"you know you can't resist me" he adds on "yea well we will see about that", "mhm thought so you know your friend over there can't stop staring ,what did you tell her about me?" he asked still right next to your ear "you know the basics aka everything", "no wonder she's giving me a death stear" you laugh "so you and pottahh huh" he says backing up "what about it?", "never thought you would talk to him again" he says "jealous malfoy?", he pulls you into him hands on your waist "i told you don't call me that", he lets go gives you a smirk. "See you around Sifuentes" he says walking away "See you around MALFOY" you said it yelling on purpose so he would get mad 😏 then he walked away he was smirking.

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