Chapter Eighteen- "Im sorry", "Are you?"

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Days passed it was now yule ball day, god such a horrible day you thought, "knock knock" you heard and knew exactly who it was "come on in harry", the door bursted open with ron, hermione, and hope behind him, "well today you have company"you said "well thought you could use it, i need you to get up and get ready and meet me at the astronomy tower in an hour" he says "wh- what? why?!" you ask "just do as he says" says hope "wait! do you know what he's doing?", "maybe now get up and get ready" she says "okay fine i guess" you get up and got to the restroom take a shower to freshen up and do your makeup after and blow dry your hair, that was new you now blow dry your hair you always hated the heat now it feels nice.

"Are you almost done?" hope says knocking at the door "yes just give me, 5 more minutes", "mkay" she says as her foot steps grown softer as she walks away "whoo" you blow out air and take a look in the mirror again "you are fine it is fine" you say to your self in a whisper. "I'm ready" you say walking out the restroom "FINALLY LETS GO" she says smiling, we walked out and down the stairs thank god no one was in the common room until "amused blaise" said the blond haired boy with the grey eyes "hurry up run" i whispered to hope "okay, okay" she said walking a tad bit faster, "wait- is that- lynzee!" yelled blaise "cant gotta go someone's waiting for me bye blaise", "Okay Bye!" he yelled.

Draco Pov-

"did you not hear her?" i asked blaise "what?" he replied "SHE SAID SOMEONE WAS WAITING YOU GIT" i said in a yell "so?", "c'mon" i said running down the stairs to catch up to lynzee to see who she was "meeting" i ran like crazy trying to catch up and i finally did 'the astronomy tower?' after what happened last time we were all, here god she wouldn't go up.

And just like that she went up the stairs calmly no stops along the way nothing of the sort she walked and walked to the top "you ready" said hope "yea i think so" said lynzee. god her voice it was amazing she had the most beautiful voice and smile everything about her was beautiful "harry?", "pottah?!" i said in a small whispered yell "draco shh" said blaise, she went in the astronomy tower were i could not see her anymore "come on let's go" i said to blaise walking up the stairs "harry what is this?" she said "well since you know what happened with draco i thought you might need a date to the yule ball today so i told hope and we can all go together" he finished

'pottah trying to steal lynzee away from me wow as if' i thought "hope?" she asked confused "i would love to take you as my date with my other date" she laughed "really?" lynzee said in a crying voice "yes i would love it more than anything", "so would i" said harry 'she has good friends but i love her and i'm in love with her not pansy she needs to know that', "come on blaise" i whispered "okay".  Then we left.

Lynzee Pov-

"thank you, you are amazing" you said "your welcome and again if you need anything-", "harry i'm fine" you replie "okayy" says hope "hey guys" say ron and hermione coming up the stairs "did you see draco he was walking down the stairs, called me a mudblood, he hasn't said that since- never mind" she said 'draco what would draco be doing here- he followed me' you thought "i gotta go thank you harry and hope i'll see y'all later" you said sprinting down the stairs "blaise what am i going to do" you head the boy say "draco you hurt her what do you think would happen" says blaise "shut up i did not pansy was crying because her boyfriend had broken up with her and none of you did anything so i did" he said

"I comforted her because lynzee made me like that she made considerable of peoples feelings and she didn't let me explain" he adds on "draco" blaise said, 'he saw me oh shit' you thought as you put your finger on your mouth for him to stay quiet "please" you mouthed "okay" he says, "i cant belive i didn't fight it i should've fought for her" continues draco "draco she needs to know" says blaise "and how would i do that if she won't even look at me or talk to me" he says "i know now" you say coming from behind the pillar keeping you in the dark "lynzee? what- what are you doing down here shouldn't you be with pottah" he says "what am i doing here i'm supposed to be here unlike you who followed us here" you said "im sorry", "are you?" you say

"I am i really am you didn't let me explain the fact that i wasn't cheating pansy her boy-", "boyfriend broke up with her and you comforted her because i made you consider other peoples feelings i know, i know" you said in a sigh "what does this mean?", he asked looking at you "i dont know, it's a relief to know you didn't cheat but i already told you once and i really don't feel like yelling draco please, stay away from her until i have decided to forgive her and i don't know when that will be or if it will ever be" you said "so what does this mean?" he asked again "i dont know draco i dont know everything" you replied, "i've got to go" draco says "yeah okay" you say "i really hope we can figure something out" he says grabbing your hand then let's go.

"Yea" you say as you sit down "lynzee?" says blaise "yea blaise", "he loves you to much, to much that he would destroy the world for you" he says in a small smile "i know and i love him so much it pains me" you say "well i hope you can make the right decisions" he says walking off "yea me too" you say in a whisper

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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