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You hurry down the stairs to find Kenma. You know he's somewhere in the mansion, but you are unsure as to where exactly. You eventually find him in his office with Tetsuro. Of course, he would be in there, you don't know why you didn't check there in the first place.

As he sees you enter the office he stands up and walks over to you. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" he asks, his voice full of worry.

Tetsuro speaks up from his desk and says, "I'm sure if something was wrong she would have said it already. Calm down Kenma, you are acting like you are her husband."

Kenma turns and glares at Tetsuro for his words before turning back to you. You laugh at his concern and shake your head. "I'm fine, but my brother just messaged me," you say.

"What did he say?"

You walk over and sit down in the chair that's in front of Kenma's desk, not wanting to stand anymore. Kenma sits back down in his seat as Tetsuro rolls over, now curious about where this is going too.

You bring up the messages on your phone and hold it out to them. "He said that he will have complete control over Aomori by Wednesday!" you exclaim. You smile at the thought of finally being able to see your brother again. He was supposed to be the new leader a little bit back, but things changed and the time had been extended.

"That's great!!" Tetsuro tells you as Kenma is still looking at the messages.

You are filled with excitement, "I know right! I'll finally be able to see him again." Kenma hands your phone back to you as you add, "He also said that apparently mother and father will be moving to Canada, so none of you will have to worry about running into them." You glance at Kenma after saying that, not sure what exactly he's thinking.

"Tch, guess I won't be killing them anytime soon," Tetsuro mutters.

Finally getting all the information through his head, Kenma asks, "Will they be gone by Wednesday?"

You nod, "Yeah. B/n said that they will be gone early that morning, leaving the gang to him."

"Then... We should go visit Wednesday. I would like to thank him for all those years ago and uh I guess technically meet him again."

Tetsuro raises an eyebrow and says, "I'll be coming too!"

You giggle, "Okay. By the way, he has no idea who the dad is."

Kenma's eyes go wide. "He won't try to kill me... will he?" he asks, his voice cracking slightly.

"I don't think so... If he tries anything let me know and I'll beat him." You smirk and add, "He won't even be able to fight back because if he did he could hurt the baby."

Tetsuro laughs, "Smart thinking." He raises an eyebrow at the two of you. "Are you guys dating?" he asks, not knowing what you two are exactly.

"N-no," Kenma stutters out, his face slightly flushed. "We're just... uh.." Kenma looks at you for help, unsure of what you are considered exactly.

You rub the back of your neck, also not knowing what you are considered. "Uhm... We're the mother and father of our child? I'm not sure what else to say..."

You wouldn't mind being in a relationship with Kenma. He makes you happy, he's the father of your child, and your the only one he actually smiles about. You are the only one that can make him smile the way he does, other than when the baby kicks of course.

Kenma's thought about not knowing what you are before. He feels close to you and feels different. At night when you sleep, you've started cuddling up against each other like lovers would, even when there is no kicking from the baby.

Having no idea what you think about him or whether you would actually want to be with him, he's not made a move. It's honestly the same thing for both of you. You both are thinking the same thoughts about one another without knowing and it's driving you both crazy as neither of you makes a move.

Those closest to both of you, have noticed these things although neither of you has. They see the way you look at each other throughout the day.

Some people would say Kenma's affection is just because of the baby but it's more than that. If you look into it enough, anyone could see the way you make Kenma feel through his golden orbs.

You are not one to hide your affection as much as Kenma, so most can see exactly how you feel through your actions.

Those days when she kicks a lot, Kenma stays with you knowing that they actually hurt sometimes.

As Tetsuro looks at the two of you, both of your faces quite flushed from the question. He doesn't even think you know that you are blushing, so he doesn't say anything about it as Kenma's head is turned opposite of you.

"Hmm alright then. Kenma has finished his work for the day, so you can take him if you want."

"Okay! Thank you Tetsuro!" you exclaim before dragging a still blushing Kenma out of the office.

Tetsuro knows both of you like each other. Although you show it a lot more than Kenma does, he can see it in Kenma's eyes and the way he catches him smiling at you when you aren't looking.

Ever since high school, Kenma has never been one to show the way he feels about another not be able to say it in words.

Kenma is smart, which is why he's the one that does all the thinking for the gang stuff. Tetsuro decides that he will finally get the two of you to admit your feelings, whether it be before or after the baby comes.

Although Kenma was pretty distant before the baby, she has brought the two of you closer together. Being together more often let you learn about each other in the way you act and do things, the things you like and hate.

It's caused you to have feelings for each other and they grow more and more by the day. Tetsuro is glad that he can see his friend feel happy even though he doesn't exactly visibly show it.

He knows if he wants Kenma and you to admit your feelings to one another, he would have to devise a plan. But first, Tetsuro has to ask for help and Kenma needs to meet the brother.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

I realized how stupid this chapter is after writing it but whatever. I always struggle when my stories get far in lmao

Any Thoughts?


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