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After Kenma had woken up that day, he quickly left your room without a word. After that day, things went back to normal. The only difference you could personally see was that his anger had calmed down a lot. You had decided you would let him talk to you when he thought it was time.

It's not time to go call your brother again, Tetsuro being the only one going with you this time. As you wait for your brother to pick up, you are anxious. You will most likely learn what happened to Kenma's parents, what could have taken his life too.

Eventually, your brother picks up.


You smile at his voice, "Big brother! Hey."

"Y/n! It's been almost two months."

You nervously laugh, "Yeah, sorry about that. At least I called though."

Your brother laughs, "True true. How have you been?"

"Well... I was shot in the leg not too long ago, but other than that I'm pretty okay," you respond.

"Shot in the leg... Where the hell are you staying at that allows you to be shot in the leg. Unless..."

You sigh, "Please don't think about it too much. I can't tell you where I'm staying right now because of mom and dad. As soon as the gang is handed over to you ill tell you. Okay?"

"Fine as long as you are okay... Anyway, I got that information on the Kozume family for you."

"Oh my god, really! What happened to them?" you ask, your full attention directed towards the information. You wave Tetsuro over to allow him to hear what your brother is going to say about what happened. You know he has no idea what actually occured before finding Kenma other than the fact that his parents were murdered.

You hear shuffling on the other side of the phone before your brother speaks, "Apparently Mr. Kozume had stolen something of fathers and he wanted the whole family dead for it. It says dad tortured Mr. Kozume, taking off fingernails and everything in front of his wife and son before stabbing him through the heart."

"Oh shit... " you mumble as he continues.

"Mrs. Kozume was beaten before being shot in the head while holding onto her son, Kenma. Kenma was supposed to be killed a few hours later but we had helped him escaped before anything could happen. Days later mother found out that what was supposedly stolen was just misplaced and dad covered everything up to make it look like suicides."

As Tetsuro hears this information, he's pissed. All of Kenma's suffering was due to someone else's mistake. His parents were killed for no reason, leaving Kenma in so much pain that it took months for him to finally stop having nightmares at night.

As Tetsuro leans away from the phone, you can see how pissed he is with the information. He stares daggers at the air, just thinking about everything he heard a lot more.

You take a deep breath before responding, "Thank you for the information b/n."

B/n can hear the hurt in your voice as you speak, "You do remember we are the ones that helped Kenma escape, right?"

You sigh, "Yeah, I do actually. I... I met Kenma not long ago. He hates mom and dad so much, but I have no idea what he feels towards me nor you anymore due to some things."

"Alright... I'm glad he didn't die after we got him out."

"Me too... Do you know what happened to their bodies?" you ask.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now