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"Off to training, y/n?" Keiji asks you as he follows you down the hall.

You nod, "Yeah."

"Hmm.. alright. I'll probably end up going in there a bit later. I hope you had fun meeting all the guys yesterday," he says.

You turn and look at him with a smile on your face, "I did! Everyone was really nice honestly, I think I'm going to like it here." You look down at your feet, a sad expression on your face. "I'm hoping Kenma won't stay mad at me though... It'll be okay either way though!"

Your expression quickly changes back to happy, leaving Keiji quite confused about how you actually feel about it.

Once you've made it to the training room, Keiji leaves you to it. He let you know he will for sure be coming to check on everything soon in case Kenma loses his cool.

You still wonder what exactly your parents had done to Kenma that you don't know about. There were a lot of things as a kid that you mentally dealt with yourself that you had never paid attention to what was going on within the gang itself.

You take a deep breath before opening the door. Kenma is sitting against the wall playing on his switch, a blank expression on his face. He doesn't look at you as he says, "Start with your stretches from yesterday."

"O-okay." You set your water down and do each of the stretches he had you do yesterday.

After you've finished stretching, Kenma is already setting his switch down in his bag and getting up. As his back is turned to you, he takes a few deep breaths.

He then turns around with his normal blank face and gets into a fighting stance, you doing the same across from him.

You throw the first punch, sending a few more directly after. Kenma dodges them all as he kicks your legs out from under you, sending you to the ground.

You quickly get back up and grab hold of his arm, trying to flip him over you. With his free arm, he grabs hold of you and you come down with him as you flip the both of you over.

"God damn that hurt," you cuss as you grab your shoulder that's in agonizing pain.

Kenma gets up easily, nothing wrong with him. As he looks down at you, he can see tears falling from your eyes as you hold your shoulder.

He slightly furrows his eyebrows, unsure of what to do. He knows he should stop this and tell you to get your shoulder checked out but the hatred he feels for you is growing the longer you're in the room with him.

You don't notice the tears falling from your eyes as you get back up. You get ready to defend as Kenma sends a kick to your hurt shoulder. You immediately grab his ankle and push him away.

As he flies backward, he catches himself before he can fall, landing on his feet. Kenma immediately goes for your shoulder again and this time lands a hit.

You hiss as Kenma's foot meets your shoulder, also throwing you to the ground. You grab hold of your shoulder and go to stand up again. Just as you are about to stand up, Kenma is standing over you.

You stare at one another for a moment until you hear a door opening. You both look over and Keiji is walking into the room. As he sees you lying on the floor, he runs over and helps you up to your feet.

He looks at Kenma and says, "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing," he replies, turning his back to the both of you. "Just take her to Akinori and So."

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now