Visiting the Slave House

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It was a beautiful day and Master had me in his lap rubbing my belly. He had told me he wanted to do a check up on me and the place to do that was the Slave House. Now I was a little nervous when he said that but he assured me it was just a simple check up.

I pawed at his leg and meowed.

"You my speak."

"Master, what is the Slave House like?"

"Well kitten I don't know the only time I come here is to collect money. Tachanka you've been here before. Care to enlighten us?"

"Well to put it bluntly it's not the best place to get a new slave. The outside and a select few rooms are great but the rest of the building is rather dull. Slaves are kept head to ass in holding pens and never washed. Couldn't tell how many died from the improper care. The doctors though are the best in the business. They try to keep the slaves happy too" Tachanka said pulling into an underground parking lot.

"Remind me this is were you got Israel right?"

"Yes sir. But since we're back here I've got to keep his ass plugged and a collar around his neck."

Master nodded and I was shaking a bit. I felt attach my leash to my collar and carried me inside with Tachanka and Israel behind us.

"Ah Drako Milikov. I see your right on time and Tachanka Isabel needs his yearly checkup" a doctor said.

Master nodded and followed the doctor into the cleaner part of the building. Tachanka was lead to a different area of the building. The doctor had master place me on the table and immediately went to work.

"Okay eye dilation. Normal."

He held up his finger and told me to follow it which I did.


He gently rolled me over and took a stethoscope and placed it on my heart and belly.


He rolled me back over and gently cupped my balls and came them a squeeze.

"Hmm. His full of sperm. Have you milked him yet?"

"No. I wanted to do a check up before anyone else was done" Master said.

"Okay then."

With my balls being fondled my cock had become erect. The doctor took a tape measure and measured my dick.

"6 inches in length and 1 inch in girth. His around average size for slaves. Now we'll have a look at his ass. "

After he that I felt a gentle tug and heard a pop. My tail was out. I felt a gentle prodding before I felt two more fingers in me.

"Okay. I don't see any discoloration on the outside. And the inside feels normal. Okay. You've got a healthy slave Mr. Milikov."

"Thank you. That's what I was hoping for."

My tail was reinserted into my ass and Master carried me out to the car were Tachanka had Israel on his knees blowing him.

"Finish up and load up you two."

"Actually best timing."

Israel pulled his head away from Tachanka and I saw him shallow. Probably Tachankas cum.

"Alright let's head home."

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