Chapter 6

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Jace's POV

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Jace's POV

"I'll be in my room" Mary said walking up the stairs. Fortunately for the kids, their injuries were little compared to Riele

Mary came up with a busted lip and a minor injury on the head while Lee was ok but Daniel had a broken arm. A minor one, the Doctor said it'll heal up.

"It's not your fault" I watched as her eyes brimmed with fresh tears. "How can you say that?" she said. "It's totally my fault. If I had just paid more attention, all these wouldn't have happened. It's my fault Mary has a head injury; It's my fault Daniel fractured his arm; It's my fault, all mine. MY FAULT" she screamed as tears took over her body

They are so young to experience an accident to that extent. I totally understand their predicament right now.

"I need a security guard at my company" she said. "Security guard? Hold up, you have your own company?" I asked, shocked as she nodded. "That's really cool. Back to the job thing, I'll go for it" I said

I fell in a blur of images, flashing past me in series of black and white. "Jade" I gasped out.

 "Jade" I gasped out

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Jace's POV

"And that's it. I'm sure you understand everything?" Shelby asked as I nodded. I'm at work currently and heck Riele is rich as fuck. Her company is so big and from what I heard the other branch is bigger than this

"Great. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me" she winked before walking away. I walked back to my station and began what I'm meant to do.

I'm currently in the company making coffee when I heard glass shatter behind me. I turned around and came face-to-face with an unfamiliar face. "Are you ok?" I asked looking down at the broken glass.

"Umm... Y-Yes. Yes I am" she stammered making me look up at her in confusion

"You sure?" I asked as she nodded

"Ok... Let me help you with that" I said grabbing the nearest broom and dust pan to clear up the glass. I disposed it in the trash can "There". "Should I get you another coffee or something?" I asked the lady who stood transfixed to one place, not saying a thing.

"No, I'm good" she replied. I nodded then turned back to leave when she called out. "I'm Lizzy. What's your name?" she asked.

I faced her then replied "Jace". she stuck her hand out for me to shake, which I did

"What post do you work as here?" I asked her.

"Receptionist. You?" she asked.

"Security guard" I replied to which she nodded in understanding.

"That's nice. I would love to hang out more but I have to get back to work. Talk later?" I asked. "Sure" she smiled and with that I left to my post.

I came back home to find Riele mindlessly flipping through channels on the TV. "Hey, I'm back" I made my presence known, closing the door behind me.

"Oh hey Jace. How was your first day at work?" she asked wheeling her chair over to me.

"Nice. Shelby showed me around" I said walking over to the couch as she followed me.

"Shelby? Why?" she asked raising her voice a little as a big frown found its way on her face.

"I guess she was being nice" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Doesn't matter anyways" she muttered. "Anything else?" she asked.

"Oh and I met a girl. She said her name was Lizzy" I tried to remember

"You met Liz?" she asked.

"Yeah... I did. Are you friends with her?" I asked, confused about the nickname

"Yeah, best friends actually" she replied shaking her head.

"Where is the nanny?" I asked confused to why she was the only one at home and also trying to change the subject.

"I told her to leave like twenty five minutes ago. Not quite long actually" she replied going back to flipping through channels

"The kids?" I asked.

"Upstairs. Asleep" she said eyes on the screen.

"Ok, I have something to tell you" I said.

"What's that?" she asked breaking her concentration from the TV.

"Umm... well, yesterday when you mentioned Jade, in my room some memories fled to me. Memories concerning Jade only actually" I explained

"Only Jade? No one else?" she asked disappointment slightly evident in her tone.

"No" I shook my head.

She sighed, "Well that's a start. I gu-" she was interrupted by the door bell.

"I'll get it" I got up to the front door then opened it to find Samuel

"Oh hey Samuel. Come in" I stepped away making way for him into the house.

"Hello Jace. Is Riele home?" he asked once in.

"Yeah, this way" I closed the door leading him to the living room. "Riele! Samuel's here" I announced, sitting on the couch as Samuel stood, mouth open in shock

"Hey Sam. How have you been?" Riele smiled at him.

"What the freak happened?" he asked pointing at Riele, clearly surprised at her current condition.

"Had an accident. I hit a truck" she replied.

"You're never walking again?" he asked

"Nahh, just for a few months" she waved it off.

"I hope no one else is injured?" he asked taking a sit.

"Well the kids but minor injuries" I replied.

"What brings you here" Riele asked.

"Oh yeah. Well Grandpa and I have been researching and we're a little close to the solution. If there is" he said

"What do you mean? Have you found anything?" I asked.

"Well from the books we've read, there is no solution maybe because such a condition is rare. But we found an ancient book that told us a sacrifice must be made" he said.

"Sacrifice?" Riele and I gasped.

A/N: Sorry it took so long and pardon me if there are mistakes

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