Chapter 15

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Jace's POV

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Jace's POV

"Dad, when will mom wake up?" the little six year old boy in my hands asked, his throat sounded forced and dry. "I don't know Dan. Let's just hope she recovers quickly and so does Lee" I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Good now please stop that, you know Lee will be angry with you if he sees you like this. For mom and Lee, be strong. You're a strong boy, ok? Now where's that smile I love seeing?" I smiled before tickling him earning giggles from him

"Hey Doc. How's Lee?" I asked as his figure came in view. He stroked his black beard with specks of grey hair in it before proceeding to answer. "He's progressing at least he is better than the way he was when you brought him here and I've been seeing some improvements" he said before his forest green eyes moved over to Riele.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to school?" I asked placing him on my laps as I took a sit on the chair beside the bed. He nodded and I sighed "Whatever you say Daniel" I said looking over at Riele's 'sleeping' figure

"And how is she?" I asked, a little afraid of his answer. "She's improving very fast may I say. She just needs more time to rest, she'll be fine. I'm sure she's wake up soon" he said looking down at his wrist watch but I could see uncertainty clouding his face making me worry slightly.

"Oh that's wonderful" she giggled before walking over to me and sat on my laps turning her full attention to me. "Apparently, I have a little liking for you as well" she winked before placing a sloppy wet kiss on my lips making me moan in content

 "Apparently, I have a little liking for you as well" she winked before placing a sloppy wet kiss on my lips making me moan in content

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Jace's POV

"NO! I'm not leaving Lee. You can leave but I'm not. Mom needs me too" Daniel shook his head making me look at Shelby for help.

She rolled her eyes before opening her mouth to speak "You need to go to school. I'm sure Lee and your mom will be fine. Please??" she said looking down at Daniel with a look I couldn't quite decipher

"No" he narrowed his eyes at Shelby before taking a sit on Lee's bed.

I rubbed my tired eyes, before throwing my hands up in exhaustion "That's all I can do. You can stay here if you want. I'll be at work, though I'll come once in a while to check up on you, Lee and Rie. Be good ok?" I said to which he nodded.

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